Embracing Your Wild Days: A Guide to Self-Acceptance and Relief

Being a woman is challenging. Hormones are unpredictable, life throws curveballs, and sometimes, it all feels overwhelming. On those wild days when everything seems out of control, it’s essential to embrace and accept your feelings. Here are three steps to help you navigate through those tumultuous times:

1. Accepting My Crazy

Life can be a whirlwind, and there are days when it feels like your mind is out to get you. Instead of fighting it, confront your thoughts head-on. Speak out loud the things your mind is trying to make you believe. Share these thoughts with your partner or best friend. As you vocalize your fears and anxieties, you’ll often find that they lose their power. The act of saying them out loud reveals how irrational and unfounded they can be. This simple exercise helps you regain control and see the reality of your situation more clearly.

2. Get Outside

Changing your environment can have a profound impact on your mood. You don’t need to embark on a long hike or run; just stepping outside can make a difference. Whether it’s a quick stroll around the block or simply standing in your garden, being outdoors shifts your perspective. My dad always said, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.” Embrace this mindset and dress appropriately for the weather. While outside, take a moment to observe the sky, watch the clouds drift by, or gaze at the stars. These simple acts remind us of the vastness of the world and help put our problems into perspective.

3. Move

Movement is often touted as a remedy for stress, and for a good reason. While traditional workouts like yoga or running are beneficial, sometimes you need something more immediate and playful. One of the best tools I’ve discovered is to shake it off—literally. Put on a fun song and shake your body as if you’re on a tumble dryer. It may feel silly, but this act helps reset your nervous system. Plus, it’s hard not to smile, especially if you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Shaking it out is a quick and effective way to release tension and lift your spirits.

Accepting and navigating through wild days requires patience and a willingness to embrace the chaos. By confronting your thoughts, getting outside, and moving your body, you can find relief and regain a sense of control. Remember, it’s okay to have crazy days; they’re part of the beautiful, messy journey of life.

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