Author: ourfitnesszone

  • Rest Between Sets

    Rest Between Sets

    When designing a strength training program, there are several training variables which are manipulated, for e.g. rep range, exercise selection, load, volume, time under tension, frequency, intensity etc. 

    Just like different variables used in strength training, one of the most crucial and often debated one is “Rest between Sets” or “Rest Intervals”. Rest between sets is crucial not just for muscular recovery, but also to counter neuromuscular fatigue. 

    During exercise, there is an accumulation of metabolites, like lactate, hydrogen ions (H+) and inorganic phosphate. Most of the lactate produced during exercise is broken down by skeletal muscles working at a lower intensity and then distributed in the blood in the recovery phase of exercise.

    The duration of rest must be sufficient to allow for replenishment of adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine, and for the removal of accumulated lactic acid and other waste products. 

    Failing to take sufficient rest, will compromise the ability to sustain repeated high-force muscular contractions and may be suboptimal when training for muscular strength. 

    3 types of rest intervals are the most frequently used in strength training:

    • Short Rest Intervals: <60sec
    • Moderate Rest Intervals: 60-120sec
    • Long Rest Intervals: >120sec (app. 2-5min)

    Studies have suggested that, intervals equal to or less than 1 min limit the recovery of creatine phosphate (CP) and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) reserves. It is estimated that the total recovery of ATP lasts, on average, from 3 to 5 min after strenuous exercise, while the CP for total recovery needs, on average, 8 min.

    Another important factor that can influence recovery between sets is the increase in lactate levels during intense strength training. The time required to decrease lactate after strength training performed at high intensity should be between 4 and 10 min; times shorter than the aforementioned range lead to a high concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), decreasing the intracellular pH, resulting in muscle fatigue.

    The recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACMS), involve times between 2 to 3 minutes in multiarticular exercises and between 1 to 2 minutes for monoarticular exercises.

    1. A 2007 study, examined the effects of different rest intervals between sets on the training volume completed during a workout, eleven male bodybuilders served as subjects. All of the subjects performed a minimum of 3 strength workouts per week for a period of 2 years. During each testing session, exercises were performed with a 1, 2, or 5- minute rest interval between the sets. 

    The 5-minute rest between sets resulted in the highest training volume completed for all exercises, with the 2- and 1- minute rest conditions following in descending order, when athletes trained with an 85% of 1RM load.

    2. A 2008 study, compared the squat strength gains and volume components when resting 2 minutes vs. 4 minutes between 1RM Squat sets. 15 trained men were assigned to either a 2-minute or a 4-minute rest interval group. Each group performed the same training program, with the only difference being the length of the rest interval between sets.

    Both groups demonstrated large strength gains; however, these differences were not significant between groups. But the 4-minute group demonstrated significantly higher total volumes for the Heavy workouts.

      rest between intervals

      3. A 2009 review of 35 studies, analysed the rest interval between sets for targeting specific training outcomes (e.g. absolute muscular strength, endurance, hypertrophy and muscular power).

      Study showed that:

      • When training with loads between 50% and 90% of one repetition maximum, 3-5 minutes’ rest between sets allowed for greater repetitions over multiple sets. Resting 3-5 minutes between sets produced greater increases in absolute strength, due to higher intensities and volumes of training. 
      • Similarly, higher levels of muscular power were demonstrated over multiple sets with 3 or 5 minutes versus 1 minute of rest between sets. 
      • When the training goal is muscular hypertrophy, the combination of moderate-intensity sets with short rest intervals of 30-60 seconds might be most effective due to greater acute levels of growth hormone during such workouts. 
      • Training with short rest intervals (e.g. 20 seconds to 1 minute) demonstrated the benefits of utilizing short rest intervals for gains in muscular endurance. 

      4. A 2016 study, determined the acute muscle anabolic response to resistance exercise performed with short or long inter-set rest intervals. In this study, 16 males completed four sets of leg-press and knee-extension exercise at 75% of 1RM to momentary muscular failure, followed by ingestion of 25g of whey protein. Resistance exercise sets were interspersed by 1 min or 5 min of passive rest.

      In the early part of recovery, the increase in MPS from resting levels was two-fold greater in those with longer rest periods. They saw a 152% increase, versus 76% increase in those with short rest intervals. 

      Researchers suggested that, with short rests of one minute, though the hormonal response is superior, the actual muscle response is blunted. If you’re looking for maximised muscle growth with your training programme, a slightly longer interval between sets may provide a better chance of having the muscle response you’re looking for. Novices starting out on weight training programs should take sufficient rest, of at least 2-3 minutes, between weight lifting sets.

      Further researchers added that, over time, they may need to find ways to push beyond the plateau of muscle building that commonly occurs, and so may gradually decrease their rest periods. For experienced lifters, it’s possible that they may not experience the same blunted muscle building response to short rest intervals, particularly if they have trained this way for a prolonged period and adapted to this unique metabolic stress. Nonetheless, similar recommendations of 2-3 minutes between sets should help to ensure maximal muscle growth in well trained individuals.

      weight training

      5. A 2015 study, compared different rest intervals between sets on repetition consistency and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during consecutive bench press sets with an absolute 3RM (3 repetition maximum) load. Sixteen trained men attended 4 sessions during which 5 consecutive sets of the bench press were performed with an absolute 3RM load and 1, 2, 3, or 5 minutes of rest interval between sets.

      The results indicated that significantly greater bench press repetitions were completed with 2, 3, and 5 minutes vs. 1-minute rest between sets; no significant differences were noted between the 2, 3, and 5 minutes rest conditions. 

      These findings indicate that when utilizing an absolute 3RM load for the bench press, practitioners may prescribe a time-efficient minimum of 2 minutes rest between sets without significant impairments in repetition performance. However, lower perceived exertion levels may necessitate prescription of a minimum of 3 minutes rest between sets.

      6. Another 2016 study, investigated the effects of short rest intervals normally associated with hypertrophy-type training versus long rest intervals traditionally used in strength type training on muscular adaptations in a cohort of young, experienced lifters. 21 young resistance-trained men were assigned to either a group that performed a resistance training (RT) program with 1-minute rest intervals (SHORT) or a group that employed 3-minute rest intervals (LONG). 

      The study period lasted 8 weeks with subjects performing 3 total body workouts a week comprised 3 sets of 8–12 repetition maximum (RM) of 7 different exercises per session. Testing was performed pre study and post study for muscle strength (1RM bench press and back squat), muscle endurance (50% 1RM bench press to failure).

      The study showed several findings:

      • There was a clear benefit to longer rest intervals from a strength standpoint. Both 1RM Squat and 1RM Bench were significantly greater for LONG compared to SHORT, and effect sizes were at least double that in favour of the longer rest condition for these measures. 
      • Longer rest periods had a greater impact on hypertrophic outcomes. Muscle thickness was significantly greater for LONG compared to SHORT, and the effect size differences imply that these differences were meaningful. 
      • Both groups saw significant increases in local upper body muscle endurance with no significant differences noted between groups.
      hypertrophy-type training

      7. A 2017 systematic review of 23 studies comprising a total of 491 participants (413 males and 78 females), found that, investigated the effects of rest interval duration during resistance training on muscular strength development. 

      The study showed that:

      • Robust gains in muscular strength can be achieved even with short rest intervals (<60s). 
      • Longer duration rest intervals (>2 min) are required to maximize strength gains in resistance-trained individuals. In certain cases, the use of longer duration rest intervals may be of a greater benefit as opposed to a short to moderate rest intervals duration; for instance, when a multi-joint exercise is performed and/or when a set results in a greater fatigue and is carried out for higher repetitions.
      • With regard to untrained individuals, it seems that short to moderate rest intervals (60–120s) are sufficient for maximizing muscular strength gains.
      • Responses in resistance training may vary between individuals. Therefore, the resistance training program needs to be tailored in an individualized manner.
      • Trained individuals could auto-regulate their rest interval duration based on their psychological and physiological readiness, rather than adhering to a predetermined rest interval duration.

      8. A 2017 study, compared the effect of three distinct rest period lengths between sets of upper body single-joint exercise with different load zones and volume designed for either endurance or hypertrophy (50% or 80% of 1-RM), in 16 men. 

      The shorter 1 minute rest promoted a significant reduction in the total repetition number compared to 3 minute rest for both workloads. In conclusion, for heavier loads (80%) to fatigue, longer rest of 3 to 5 minutes seems to allow for better recovery between sets and thus, promotes a greater volume. 

      However, when training with lighter loads (50%), the magnitude of the rest seems to directly affect the performance of subsequent sets, and also presents a correlation with total volume achieved for the upper body single-joint exercise scheme.

      9. A 2018 study, observed the ideal recovery time between sets and exercises, for both chest and back. Sixty young men recreationally trained in strength training (ST) were divided into 2 groups. Each group was submitted to 3 experimental sessions, performing an ST sequence with 3 sets of 8 repetition maximum. The experimental sessions differed in rest time between sets performed (60, 90, and 120 seconds).

      For both groups in each sequence, significantly higher numbers of repetitions were observed with the rest time of 120 seconds relative to the rest time of 90 seconds, 120 seconds in relation to the rest time of 60 seconds, and in the rest interval of 90 seconds in relation to the rest time of 60 seconds. 

      resting time

      10.A 2019 study, evaluated the effects of different rest intervals on maximum repetition performance, perceived exertion, and fatigue index on bench press. Four sessions involved seven bench press sets to concentric failure with the goal of completing the maximum number of repetitions, which included: 1) one-minute rest interval between sets (P1), 2) two-minute rest interval between sets (P2), three-minute rest interval between sets (P3), and five-minute rest interval between sets (P5).

      The findings demonstrated that shorter rest periods resulted in fewer reps performed during additional sets, fewer total reps/session, and an increased rate of perceived exertion.

      11.A 2020 study, compared the effects of different rest intervals on performance and muscle activation during multi-joint (bent over row) and single-joint (biceps curl) exercises. Fifteen trained men performed both exercises using three protocols; each consisting of three sets with three different rest intervals; i) 60 seconds, ii) 90 seconds and iii) 120 seconds rest interval between sets. Each set was performed with hypertrophy loading (75% of 1RM) until fatigue. 

      Study showed that, performing bent over row with 120 seconds rest interval inter-set and 90 seconds and 120 seconds rest interval during biceps curl exercise allow participants to produce greater lifting performance while recruiting more motor unit for activating the muscles in every set.

      12.A 2021 study investigated the effects of SHORT (1 min) and LONG (3 min) rest intervals (RI) on total volume lifted (TVL), repetition performance, fatigue index (FI), and blood lactate [La] during upper body (chest press) and lower body (leg press) exercise with low-intensity (75% of a 10-RM) in 14 trained female lifters. 

      The total volume lifted was significantly lesser for Short (1 min) rest intervals as compared to Long (3 min) rest intervals. Fatigue index was much higher in short rest intervals. There wasn’t much difference in blood lactate levels between the two rest intervals. These results suggest that longer RIs are better for female lifters who want to optimize TVL with low-intensity resistance training. 

      13.A 2022 study, analysed the effects of two rest periods between volume-equated resistance exercise (RE) on inflammatory responses (cytokines and leukocyte) and muscle damage. Ten trained men participated in training sessions consisting of five sets of 10 reps performed at 10-RM on (1) the barbell bench press followed by (2) leg press, with either 1- or 3-min rest between sets and exercises. 

      two rest period between volume-equated resistanve

      They found greater increases triggered by the 1-min rest period in Creatine Kinase (CK), occurring from 12 to 24 h post-exercise compared to the 3-min rest condition. A significant increase in the 1-min rest condition was also observed in the total number of leukocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes. The 1-min rest period also triggered increases compared to baseline in pro-inflammatory cytokines, which were more evident after 6 and 12 h post-exercise. 

      Thus, a 1-min rest condition in volume-equated resistance exercise promoted greater overall muscle tissue damage with a longer duration of the inflammatory processes compared to a 3-min rest.

      Researchers in the study, also suggested that, “in practical terms different rest periods are chosen to allow full (longer interest periods) or incomplete recovery (shorter interest periods) between sets. In the case of longer rest periods, this avoids muscle impairments, with the consequence to counteract load decreases caused by fatigue, which may occur if using interest length shorter than 2 min. 

      Despite perceived exertion may result increased with lower-rest intervals, a progressive load decrease along with subsequent sets determines a decrease in both total volume and intensity, which could result in lower gains in terms of hypertrophy and strength.

      14.A 2023 study, suggested that, a 1 min rest interval between sets may be sufficient in a strength endurance training protocol when the load intensity is 30% 1RM. However, when the load intensity is 50% 1RM, we suggest that a 2 min rest interval between sets is required for optimal recovery and maintenance of power output.

      15.A 2024 systematic review of 5 studies, suggested that, that longer rests could provide greater volumes of training compared to 2 minutes. The study showed that the recovery interval between 3 and 4 minutes is effective between sets for training with high intensities. This applies to trained adults who are already familiar with the methodology.

      If we take the conclusion of the above studies and other recommendations, rest intervals between sets, will vary between individuals, and their goals. 

      Experienced and trained individuals are able to regulate their own rest interval duration based on their psychological and physiological readiness, rather than adhering to a predetermined rest interval duration.

      But in general, following recommendations can be adhered to:

      • Strength & Power workouts (>85% 1RM, 1-6 Reps) – 3-5 min rest between sets, for higher total volume (more reps & sets), and optimal muscular and neurological recovery. For e.g. weightlifters, powerlifters, throwers etc. This rest interval allows for greatest muscular force production during each subsequent set. 

      Most of the energy that the body uses during heavier strength & power workouts, comes from the ATP-PC system. The body has a very small reserve of phosphagen and creatine, which lasts about 30 sec, and takes the body app. 3-5 min or more to fully recover. 

      • Hypertrophy (60-85% 1RM, 6-12 Reps) – 1-3 min rest between sets, both for novices and experienced lifters. For e.g. bodybuilding. 

      This workout draws its energy from the ATP-PC & the Glycolytic system (the carbohydrate & glycogen stores), which lasts for about 3 min. 

      • Strength Endurance (40-60% 1RM, 15-20 Reps) – 30-120 sec rest between sets. For e.g. runners, swimmers, cyclists, footballers etc. Shorter rest intervals, forces the body to improve its ability to buffer the accumulating lactate, thereby improving your ability to sustain moderate, near maximal or maximal contractions over a given time period.

      This workout, takes energy from the Glycolytic (stored carbs) & Aerobic Metabolism (stored fat). 

  • Boost Your Performance with VO2 Testing

    Boost Your Performance with VO2 Testing

    Vo2 testing

    Understanding VO2: What It Is, Its Benefits, and Why It’s Important for Your Fitness Journey

    When it comes to optimizing your fitness, understanding your body’s capacity for oxygen consumption can be a game-changer. One of the most powerful metrics in evaluating cardiovascular health and athletic performance is VO2. But what exactly is VO2, and why should it matter to you?

    What Is VO2?

    VO2 stands for “volume of oxygen,” and it refers to the amount of oxygen your body can consume and utilize during exercise. It’s measured in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min) and is one of the most accurate indicators of aerobic fitness. VO2 max, specifically, represents the highest capacity your body can achieve in utilizing oxygen during intense physical activity.

    The Benefits of VO2

    1. Improved Endurance: VO2 max is a great predictor of endurance performance. The higher your VO2 max, the more oxygen your muscles can use during activity, allowing you to sustain effort for longer periods. Whether you’re running, cycling, or swimming, this can give you a serious edge.
    2. Better Cardiovascular Health: Regular aerobic exercise that improves VO2 also benefits your heart and lungs, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A higher VO2 max often correlates with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and even type 2 diabetes.
    3. Fat Burning Efficiency: A higher VO2 max allows your body to burn fat more effectively at higher intensities, improving overall fat loss and boosting your metabolism.
    4. Personalized Training: Knowing your VO2 max allows you to tailor your workouts more effectively. By understanding where your fitness level stands, you can create a plan to improve endurance, build strength, and reach your full potential.

    The Importance of VO2

    Tracking your VO2 is crucial for assessing your current fitness level and monitoring progress over time. Whether you’re a competitive athlete or just starting your fitness journey, understanding your VO2 can help you make more informed decisions about your training routine.

    Now Available with the IF Health Program: VO2 Testing at Our Studios

    At Innovative Fitness, we’ve always focused on providing the best tools to help you reach your fitness goals. Now, as part of our IF Health program, we’re excited to offer VO2 testing at our studios. This test will give you a detailed picture of your aerobic capacity, allowing us to better tailor your training and track your progress.

    Key Benefits of VO2 Testing through IF Health:

    • Personalized Insights: Our VO2 testing provides specific data, helping us design a customized training program to suit your goals.
    • Track Your Progress: With repeated tests, you can see how your VO2 improves over time, allowing us to adjust your plan and optimize your training.
    • Expert Guidance: Our experienced trainers can help you interpret your results and use them to make your workouts more effective, whether you’re aiming for improved performance or overall health.

    Let Us Help You Improve Your VO2

    Your VO2 is not a fixed number. With the right training and guidance, it can improve, leading to better endurance, faster recovery, and a stronger cardiovascular system. With our IF Health program, we’re here to guide you every step of the way, helping you maximize your potential.

    Ready to find out where your VO2 stands? Book your VO2 test today through the IF Health program and take the next step toward improving your performance and overall fitness.

  • 3 Take-With-You Breakfast Recipes – Faithful Workouts

    3 Take-With-You Breakfast Recipes – Faithful Workouts

    Mornings can feel like a race against the clock, but fueling your body with a wholesome breakfast doesn’t have to slow you down. These three take-with-you breakfast recipes are nutritious, delicious, and ready to travel wherever your day takes you. Whether you’re heading to work, school, or a workout, these options will help keep you energized and satisfied.


    1. Make-Ahead Muffins

    When life gets busy, these make-ahead muffins become your best friend. Bursting with flavor and goodness, they’re great for those on-the-go moments. Bake a batch, store them in an airtight container, and you’ve got a quick, satisfying breakfast ready to grab.

    Ingredients: (Find the full list and instructions here)

    Why They’re Great for On-the-Go:

    • Portable and easy to eat with one hand.
    • Packed with ingredients that provide energy and nutrients.
    • Can be prepped in advance, so all you need to do is grab and go.


    2. Green Smoothie 

    Looking for a breakfast that’s light, refreshing, and packed with nutrients? This green smoothie fits the bill. Blend it up in the morning (or the night before) and pour it into a mason jar with a lid. It’s perfect for sipping on your commute or after a workout.

    Ingredients: (Full recipe and blending instructions here)

    Why It Works for Busy Mornings:

    • High in vitamins, minerals, and fiber to keep you full longer.
    • The mason jar with a lid makes it easy to transport without spills.
    • Quick to make and endlessly customizable to your taste.


    3. Tropical Overnight Oatmeal 

    This tropical overnight oatmeal brings a taste of the islands to your busy morning. Simply prep it the night before in a mason jar and wake up to a creamy, nutritious breakfast that’s ready to go. No cooking needed!

    Ingredients: (Get the full recipe here)

    Why It’s a Must-Try:

    • No-cook, make-ahead breakfast that’s ready when you are.
    • Balanced with fiber, protein, and a touch of sweetness for lasting energy.
    • Mason jar makes it easy to grab and eat wherever you are.



    Final Tip: Keep a few mason jars with lids and reusable utensils on hand for stress-free mornings. These three recipes will help you fuel up fast, so you can take on whatever the day brings!

  • Tips for Handling Holiday Stress!

    Tips for Handling Holiday Stress!


    Although the holidays are a fun time of year they are also a
    very stressful time of year!
       45 percent
    of Americans say they would prefer skipping the entire season because of
    financial pressure.
         Most Americans
    feel that the stress really starts to build around December 13
    grows worse through the 18
    th and peaks on Christmas Day.

    This holiday stress can be highly detrimental to your
    health, and it is sad but true that many take their lives during this
        The physiological impact of
    this stress manifests as increased cortisol which boosts blood sugar levels,
    helps drive weight gain, and breaks down muscle.

    Here are some tried and true ways to combat holiday stress:

    Get your workouts in! 
    Now is NOT the time to skip workouts – even a short one can have an
    immediate and lasting effect in reducing your mental and physiological stress
        A quick high intensity
    workout – just three 20 second sprints with one – four minutes of active
    recovery – is all it takes!
    something is always better than nothing when it comes to working out.

    Get your Sleep!  
    Easier said than done, but focusing on when you eat and when you go to
    bed and wake up can keep your body in a good rhythm.
        A simple way to do this is to get up and go
    to bed at the same time every single day regardless of the day of the week – do
    NOT change your schedule on weekends.

    Then try to keep your food and beverage intake (except for
    water) in a 12-hour window so that you are NOT eating or drinking anything
    (except for water) for 12 hours.
       For example,
    if you wake up at 6am and drink a cup of coffee at 7am (the clock has started
    at 7am).
       That means you want to take in
    your last food or beverage no later than 7pm.

    If you know you are going to go out to parties try to take in your first
    food and non-water beverage later in the morning.
       If you start at 8am – 9am this gives you
    until 8 or 9pm to finish all food and beverage intake.
       By keeping your sleep/wake cycle consistent
    along with your eating and not-eating schedule you allow your body to recover

    If you are going to go out to parties – drink any alcohol early
    and stop drinking early or just start drinking water and nothing else once you hit the
    end of your 12-hour window.    Each drink takes about an hour to fully metabolize and you want this process complete BEFORE you go to sleep!

    Set an alcohol budget – and switch to water after you
    hit it.
         Doing this along with
    scheduling your wake/sleep cycle and food intake cycle can prevent a lot of
    issues while allowing you to have a great time!

    Do not overbook yourself or your family – plan on
    downtime and keep it simple.
      Less is often
    more in life, and the holidays are no exception!



  • Supermom Serenity: Revealing the Transformative Power of Restorative Yoga

    Supermom Serenity: Revealing the Transformative Power of Restorative Yoga

    Yoga can provide mothers with obvious and unexpected benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. One of the main reasons every mom should do yoga is that it offers them emotional and physical balance and self-acceptance. There are several different types of yoga, but today, we will focus on restorative yoga.

    What is restorative yoga? It’s a therapeutic style of yoga that revolves around using props in order to get into certain poses in an easier way, thus enabling you to completely surrender to the pose. This practice is not physically challenging and doesn’t require you to switch from one position to another quickly, but rather encourages you to stay in a certain pose for an extended time period.

    This form of yoga will encourage busy moms to slow down, heal, and reflect. Instead of focusing on physically challenging poses, restorative yoga emphasizes simple stretches. You will learn to practice stillness, center your breath and body, and hold certain poses for extended periods. Staying in a certain pose for as long as you are comfortable will help you achieve a state of relaxation.

    Like any type of yoga, you can choose to work either your entire body or a specific area. You can achieve restorative yoga poses by using many different props, such as pillows, blankets, chairs, straps, blocks, and bolsters. By using these props, you’ll allow your body to relax and stretch with support.

    Restorative yoga isn’t as popular as other yoga techniques since most people opt for something more physically challenging. Nevertheless, restorative yoga is far from easy (even though it might not look that way) and offers many different health benefits.

    Aids Weight Loss

    You might be thinking that there’s no way restorative yoga could help you lose weight since it isn’t an aerobic style of yoga, such as the fast-paced vinyasa flow. Or maybe you’ve learned that you can lose weight only by taking part in strenuous exercise and keeping a healthy diet. Although this is true, there are other ways to lose weight effectively. By practicing one of the calmest forms of yoga, you can lose significant weight by reducing the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with too much stress and excess belly fat. The National Institutes of Health study, led by researcher Maria G. Araneta, PhD, MPH, of the University of California, San Diego, found that it also helps people get rid of subcutaneous fat.

    Restorative Yoga for Menopause

    Restorative yoga will help reduce the effect of hormonal changes associated with menopause by balancing your endocrine system. Your poses in a therapeutic yoga class will stimulate all your body’s organs, glands, tissues, and cells, significantly affecting your neuroendocrine system. As a result, it will also increase oxygenated blood flow to the glands in your head and neck.

    Calm the Nervous System

    Stress and anxiety cause our nervous system to move into fight or flight mode. On the other hand, restorative yoga can help bring back balance and calm to the nervous system. Practicing simple yoga stretches for just an hour a day will trigger the parasympathetic nervous system and get your body into a more balanced rest and digest state. You should feel a sense of calmness and rejuvenation when finished.

    Increase Flexibility

    Yoga is probably best known for increasing flexibility. However, restorative yoga isn’t about how bendy you can get, like some of the other more popular forms of yoga. Instead, it focuses on simply teaching you how to release tension in your body, especially in tight areas. Because of this, restorative yoga may be the fastest way for you to learn how to increase your flexibility.

    Injury and Illness Recovery

    Restorative yoga is excellent for all people recovering from a particular illness or who are partially immobile and unable to take part in more strenuous workouts. This form of yoga allows people with depleted strength and low energy levels to enjoy some exercise. Engaging in this form of exercise will help you become more active. You’ll also experience a faster recovery, seeing how restorative yoga will help you rest, relax, and fight stress.

    Restorative Yoga for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer

    According to a study published by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, restorative yoga may help slow down the development of breast and ovarian cancer in patients suffering from these conditions.

    Strengthen Mind and Body

    By strengthening your mind-body connection, you’ll deepen your self-awareness and introspection and experience a heightened body awareness. With a solid mind-body connection, you’ll be able to access certain parts of your body and relieve those areas of tension very quickly.

    Try these 7 easy-to-follow poses to relax the mind and body:

    Restorative Yoga Sequence to Relax the Mind and Body – Yoga Rove

  • Customise Your Big Day with Stunning Bespoke Wedding Rings – Lazy Girl Fitness

    Customise Your Big Day with Stunning Bespoke Wedding Rings – Lazy Girl Fitness

    Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and every detail should reflect your love story and unique bond. One of the most significant symbols of this journey is the wedding ring. While traditional rings are timeless, bespoke wedding rings offer a level of personal connection, creativity, and individuality that truly elevates the experience. Creating customised wedding rings not only allows you to choose the perfect design but also lets you incorporate meaningful elements that represent your relationship.

    If you’re looking for bespoke wedding rings, the Certified Diamond Network offers an array of exquisite options. Here’s how customising your wedding rings can make your special day even more unforgettable.

    Why Choose Bespoke Wedding Rings?

    Bespoke wedding rings offer couples the chance to create something deeply personal. Unlike off-the-shelf rings, a custom-made ring is a one-of-a-kind piece designed just for you. Here’s why choosing bespoke rings is the perfect way to celebrate your big day:

    1. Unique Design That Reflects Your Love Story

    A bespoke wedding ring is crafted to tell your story. Every element, from the metal choice to the stone setting, can symbolise milestones in your relationship. Whether you want to incorporate specific motifs, engravings, or colours that have a sentimental meaning, a customised ring allows you to create something that resonates with your love journey. It’s an opportunity to design a ring that no one else in the world will have.

    2. Full Creative Control

    With bespoke wedding rings, you have the freedom to make all the design choices. Whether you prefer a minimalist band or a detailed, intricate design, you can work closely with a jeweller to ensure your vision is brought to life. Customisation lets you select the type of metal, diamond shape, gemstone placement, and even the ring’s texture. The result is a wedding ring that not only reflects your style but also stands out as a work of art.

    3. Meaningful Engagement

    Designing a custom wedding ring is a unique experience that adds another layer of connection to your wedding planning. It’s an intimate process where you and your partner can make meaningful decisions together. You can choose to include elements that are important to both of you, whether it’s a particular gemstone that holds a special memory or an engraving that reminds you of a shared moment. This level of personalisation ensures that your rings represent not just your love but also your shared experiences.

    The Certified Diamond Network Approach to Bespoke Wedding Rings

    The Certified Diamond Network is known for creating breathtaking custom wedding rings that are tailored to the couple’s preferences. Their experienced team ensures that each ring is meticulously crafted to meet your expectations. Here’s how they make the custom design process seamless and enjoyable:

    1. Personal Consultation

    The journey to creating your bespoke wedding ring begins with a personal consultation. At Certified Diamond Network, you’ll work with expert jewellers who will listen to your ideas and preferences. They understand that each couple has a unique story to tell, and they help you incorporate those stories into your ring design. The consultation is an opportunity for you to discuss everything from metal preferences to diamond cuts, ensuring the final product is exactly what you envisioned.

    2. Collaborative Design Process

    The design process at Certified Diamond Network is collaborative, meaning that your input is valued at every stage. After discussing your vision, the jeweller will provide design suggestions and technical insights to help refine your ideas. This ensures that your design is not only beautiful but also practical. You’ll be able to review sketches or 3D models before the ring is made, giving you a clear idea of what the finished piece will look like.

    3. Exquisite Craftsmanship

    One of the reasons why the Certified Diamond Network is trusted by so many couples is the attention to detail in their craftsmanship. Every ring is handcrafted with precision, using only the highest quality materials. Whether you choose platinum, white gold, rose gold, or yellow gold, the jeweller will ensure that the materials complement your design. Additionally, their diamonds are ethically sourced, meaning that your ring is not only beautiful but also aligned with responsible practices.

    4. Incorporating Special Details

    The beauty of a bespoke ring lies in the details. You can add special touches that hold significant meaning for you and your partner. Whether it’s an inscription of your wedding date or a hidden gemstone, these details make the ring even more personal. Certified Diamond Network specialises in incorporating these unique elements, ensuring that your ring feels truly one-of-a-kind.

    Elements to Consider When Customising Your Wedding Ring

    Designing a bespoke wedding ring allows you to focus on elements that reflect your taste and love story. Here are a few key aspects to consider during the design process:

    1. Metal Choice

    The metal you choose for your ring band plays a significant role in the overall design. Options such as platinum, white gold, rose gold, and yellow gold each have distinct qualities. Platinum is known for its durability and luxurious finish, while rose gold offers a romantic, vintage appeal. Consider which metal complements your engagement ring or reflects your style.

    2. Gemstone Selection

    Diamonds are the traditional choice for wedding rings, but with bespoke rings, you can explore other gemstones as well. Sapphires, emeralds, and rubies add a pop of colour and can be a meaningful addition if they hold personal significance. Additionally, coloured diamonds, such as pink or yellow, offer a unique twist on the classic diamond ring.

    3. Stone Shape and Setting

    The shape of the stone and the setting style can dramatically change the look of the ring. Classic shapes like round and princess cut are timeless, while more modern choices like pear or marquise bring a contemporary feel. When it comes to settings, options such as prong, bezel, or pavé enhance the stone’s appearance and offer different levels of protection.

    4. Engraving and Personalisation

    Adding an engraving to your wedding ring is a great way to personalise it further. You can engrave your wedding date, initials, or even a short phrase that has meaning for both of you. Engravings can be hidden inside the band for a secret touch or displayed on the outside for a bolder statement.

    The Lasting Impact of Bespoke Wedding Rings

    A bespoke wedding ring is more than just a piece of jewellery. It’s a representation of your commitment, love, and the unique journey you and your partner have shared. As years go by, your custom ring will serve as a daily reminder of the promises you made to each other on your wedding day. Its personalised design will ensure that it remains a timeless heirloom, cherished for generations to come.

    By choosing to customise your wedding rings, you are investing in more than just a beautiful piece of jewellery. You’re creating a symbol of your relationship that is as unique and special as the bond you share. With Certified Diamond Network, you can trust that your vision will be expertly crafted into a stunning reality, making your big day even more memorable.

    In conclusion, bespoke wedding rings offer an unparalleled opportunity to celebrate your love in a way that is both personal and meaningful. With the guidance of experienced jewellers like those at Certified Diamond Network, you can create a wedding ring that will be cherished forever. Whether it’s a simple band with subtle details or an elaborate design, a custom-made wedding ring is the perfect way to mark the beginning of your new chapter.

  • The Science Behind Why You Feel Amazing After a Workout

    The Science Behind Why You Feel Amazing After a Workout

    Ever noticed how you walk into the gym feeling meh, but leave feeling like you can conquer the world? That post-workout high isn’t just in your head—it’s rooted in science. Welcome to the world of endorphins, your body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals. Let’s dive into why exercise is the ultimate mood booster and how you can make the most of it.

    What Are Endorphins, and Why Do They Matter?
    Endorphins are like your body’s built-in happiness hacks. Released during physical activity, they’re designed to ease pain and elevate your mood. Think of them as nature’s way of rewarding you for moving your body.

    When you exercise, your brain’s hypothalamus and pituitary gland kick into high gear, pumping out these powerful chemicals. The result? Reduced stress, a positive mindset, and sometimes even that euphoric “runner’s high” you’ve heard about.

    Why Exercise is Better for Your Mood Than Netflix or Junk Food
    Sure, zoning out in front of a screen or indulging in comfort food can feel good short-term, but exercise takes things to the next level. Here’s why:

    • Boosts Brain Function: Physical activity improves blood flow to your brain, delivering oxygen and nutrients that enhance focus and mental clarity.
    • Reduces Stress: Exercise lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, helping you feel more relaxed and in control.
    • Long-Lasting Impact: Unlike temporary fixes, the effects of a workout can last for hours, keeping you in a positive headspace.

    Plus, regular exercise has cumulative benefits. The more consistent you are, the better your body gets at producing and responding to endorphins.



    How to Maximize Your Endorphin Boost
    You don’t need to spend hours at the gym to feel amazing. A short workout can give you all the endorphin benefits if done right. Here are some tips:

    1. Choose Activities You Enjoy: Whether it’s running, weightlifting, or dance cardio, find a workout that makes you excited to move.
    2. Incorporate Cardio or HIIT: High-intensity workouts are especially effective for triggering an endorphin rush.
    3. Be Consistent: Aim for at least 3-4 sessions a week to build a routine your body loves.

    The Mental Health Connection
    Exercise isn’t just about physical health; it’s a game-changer for mental health, too. Studies show that regular physical activity can:

    • Alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.
    • Improve sleep quality.
    • Increase self-confidence and resilience.

    The Bottom Line: Sweat Your Way to Happiness
    Feeling stressed, anxious, or just blah? Skip the doomscrolling and hit the gym instead. Even a quick 20-minute workout can flood your brain with mood-boosting endorphins and help you tackle the day with renewed energy and focus. So, next time you’re not feeling it, remind yourself: the hardest part is showing up. Once you do, your brain and body will take care of the rest.

    The post The Science Behind Why You Feel Amazing After a Workout appeared first on VASA Fitness.

  • How To Find Great Free Workouts Online

    How To Find Great Free Workouts Online

    If you want to get fit but you can’t afford, or do not want to pay for a gym membership or expensive online fitness subscription like Peleton, you will be pleased to hear that there are lots of free online workouts that will help you get just as buff. You just need to know how to find them, but I can help you with that.

    1. YouTube: The Fitness Buff’s Wonderland

    YouTube is the O.G. of free fitness content. Want to do yoga in your pyjamas? There’s a channel for that. Keen to dance like nobody’s watching (because, honestly, nobody is)? There’s a channel for that too. From HIIT workouts to pilates, YouTube has it all. Just type in what you fancy and follow along!

    2. Apps, Apps, and More Apps

    These days, we are so used to paying for out apps that you might think this is no avenue for free fitness, but you know what? You’d be dead wrong. Apps like FitOn and Nike Training Club provide high-quality routines at the unbeatable price of zero pounds, and many others offer free trials that you can turn on and off as and when you need to.

    3. Change Your IP Address

    Here’s a sneaky tip: some content might be locked to certain regions. Using a VPN to change your IP address (find out more at: can open up a world of workouts that you might not have access to otherwise. Suddenly, an exclusive Australian bodyweight series or a Californian beach yoga session could be within your virtual reach.

    4. Social Media Fitness Communities

    Instagram and Facebook are teeming with fitness enthusiasts who regularly post workout tips and videos. Follow hashtags like #FitnessFreebies or #HomeWorkouts. You’ll find a treasure trove of trainers and fitness gurus just bursting to share their knowledge.

    How To Find Great Free Workouts Online

    5. Blogs and Fitness Websites

    Don’t overlook fitness blogs and dedicated workout websites. Many of these platforms offer free workout libraries that are well-organized and cater to all levels. Sites like Fitness Blender or Darebee provide detailed guides and workout plans without asking for a penny.

    6. Check Out University Resources

    Some universities put out free public content created by their fitness instructors or kinesiology departments. These resources are usually scientifically backed and reliable—definitely worth a look.

    7. Podcasts: Listen and Learn

    While podcasts might not show you the moves, they can guide you through routines that you can do just about anywhere. Plus, they’re a great way to get some fitness education on the go.

    8. Stream Old Workout DVDs Online

    Remember those old workout DVDs? Some classics (and we mean vintage ’80s and ’90s aerobics gold) can be found online now. They’re fun, nostalgic, and still pack a punch when it comes to burning calories.

    9. Local Fitness Studios and Gyms

    Many local gyms and studios stream free classes as part of promotional offers or community outreach. Check the social media pages of local businesses to catch these deals.

    10. Combine and Conquer

    The beauty of online workouts is you can mix and match. Create your own routine by combining shorter videos from different sources—10 minutes of HIIT from one YouTuber followed by 20 minutes of yoga from another. Variety is the spice of life, and it keeps exercise exciting.

    11. Tap Into Corporate Wellness Programs

    Many companies now offer free online fitness classes as part of their wellness initiatives. Even if you aren’t an employee, some of these sessions may be open to the public. Check corporate websites or their social media channels for announcements on open wellness webinars or virtual fitness classes.

    How To Find Great Free Workouts Online

    12. Follow Up-and-Coming Fitness Trainers

    Newbie fitness trainers often share free workout content online to build their following. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are hotspots for discovering these rising stars. Their fresh routines can add some zesty variety to your workout regimen.

    13. Explore Specialty Fitness Forums

    Join forums and online communities dedicated to fitness. Sites like Reddit have specific subreddits like r/BodyweightFitness where users share routines, tips, and free resources. These communities often review and recommend free online workout programs and can be a goldmine for fitness enthusiasts.

    14. Leverage Library Resources

    Many public libraries offer free access to digital resources, including online fitness classes or video streaming services with fitness content. Check with your local library to see what digital offerings are available with a library card.

    15. Attend Free Webinar Workouts

    Keep an eye out for fitness webinars. Many wellness organizations and health influencers host free events that you can join from the comfort of your home. These are often advertised on social media platforms and can provide both live and interactive experiences.


    Finding great free workouts online is, as you can see, easier than you might think. So what are you waiting for? Get your gym gear on, push that coffee table aside, and get ready to sweat on a budget!


  • Embracing Your Wild Days: A Guide to Self-Acceptance and Relief

    Embracing Your Wild Days: A Guide to Self-Acceptance and Relief

    Being a woman is challenging. Hormones are unpredictable, life throws curveballs, and sometimes, it all feels overwhelming. On those wild days when everything seems out of control, it’s essential to embrace and accept your feelings. Here are three steps to help you navigate through those tumultuous times:

    1. Accepting My Crazy

    Life can be a whirlwind, and there are days when it feels like your mind is out to get you. Instead of fighting it, confront your thoughts head-on. Speak out loud the things your mind is trying to make you believe. Share these thoughts with your partner or best friend. As you vocalize your fears and anxieties, you’ll often find that they lose their power. The act of saying them out loud reveals how irrational and unfounded they can be. This simple exercise helps you regain control and see the reality of your situation more clearly.

    2. Get Outside

    Changing your environment can have a profound impact on your mood. You don’t need to embark on a long hike or run; just stepping outside can make a difference. Whether it’s a quick stroll around the block or simply standing in your garden, being outdoors shifts your perspective. My dad always said, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.” Embrace this mindset and dress appropriately for the weather. While outside, take a moment to observe the sky, watch the clouds drift by, or gaze at the stars. These simple acts remind us of the vastness of the world and help put our problems into perspective.

    3. Move

    Movement is often touted as a remedy for stress, and for a good reason. While traditional workouts like yoga or running are beneficial, sometimes you need something more immediate and playful. One of the best tools I’ve discovered is to shake it off—literally. Put on a fun song and shake your body as if you’re on a tumble dryer. It may feel silly, but this act helps reset your nervous system. Plus, it’s hard not to smile, especially if you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Shaking it out is a quick and effective way to release tension and lift your spirits.

    Accepting and navigating through wild days requires patience and a willingness to embrace the chaos. By confronting your thoughts, getting outside, and moving your body, you can find relief and regain a sense of control. Remember, it’s okay to have crazy days; they’re part of the beautiful, messy journey of life.

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  • Celebrate July Self-Care Day with Fitness!

    Celebrate July Self-Care Day with Fitness!

    Celebrate July Self-Care Day with Fitness!

    The 24th of July marks Self-Care Day, and what better way to celebrate than by prioritising your self-care through fitness? Regular exercise is a fantastic way to enhance both your physical and mental wellbeing. In celebration of the UEFA Euros 2024, consider working out as a team, as it boosts motivation and performance. To help get you started, we’ve put together some essential workout tips. Plus, you can access exclusive corporate discounts on gym memberships through GymFlex and MyGymDiscounts to make your fitness journey even more rewarding. Try a group fitness class and feel the difference!

    Workout Tips for Self-Care

    1. Start slow and build up

    Starting a new fitness routine can be daunting. Begin with light exercises, such as walking on a treadmill with a low incline or stretching. Gradually increase the intensity as your fitness level progresses. This approach helps prevent injuries and makes the habit more sustainable.

    2. Workout with someone

    Research shows that 94% of people are more likely to stick to a fitness program when they exercise together. To get started, find a workout friend or join a fitness class to stay motivated and accountable. Set clear, achievable goals, mix up your routine to keep it interesting, and make sure to warm up before and cool down after each session. Consistency is key, so integrate exercise into your weekly schedule with a friend and enjoy the journey to a healthier you!

    3. Mix it up

    Incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine, mixing cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. With over 3,800 locations across the UK, you can try running, cycling, lifting weights, yoga, or Pilates to keep your body and mind engaged.

    4. Stay consistent

    Consistency is key to seeing results. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Whether it’s a morning run on the treadmill, a lunchtime gym session, or an evening climbing wall class, find a time that works best for you and stick to it.

    5. Listen to your body

    Your body is your best guide. Pay attention to how it feels during and after workouts. Rest when needed and avoid overtraining, which can lead to injuries. On days when you’re feeling tired, opt for lighter activities like walking or stretching.

    6. Stay hydrated and eat well

    Nutrition plays a crucial role in your fitness journey. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially during and after workouts. Complement your exercise routine with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains to fuel your body effectively.

    To make your self-care journey even more accessible and affordable, take advantage of exclusive corporate discounts through GymFlex and MyGymDiscounts. With GymFlex and MyGymDiscounts, you can access a wide range of facilities at over 3,8000 locations, enjoying up to 40% off gym memberships.

    Happy Self-Care Day! Stay fit, stay healthy, and enjoy the journey towards a better you.