Category: Uncategorized

  • Bikini Bodybuilder Phoebe Hagan’s Top 5 Posing Tips

    Bikini Bodybuilder Phoebe Hagan’s Top 5 Posing Tips

    Bikini bodybuilder Phoebe Hagan knows what it takes to compete in the sport’s most coveted contest. She is a two-time Bikini Olympia competitor, making her Olympia debut in 2022 to a seventh-place finish and returning in 2023 to an 11th-place rank. Given that, she knows what the judges look for at the top level and how their eye for certain posing techniques evolves over time.

    Though Hagan took most of the competitive 2024 season off, in mid-December 2024, she shared her top five Bikini division posing tips for athletes planning to compete in 2025. As a posing coach

    [Related: What Is Visceral Fat and What Diet Combats It?]

    1. Perfect the Basics

    Hagan oftentimes sees athletes getting ahead of themselves when targeting details in their posing routines that are not the primary features of what judges care about. The meat and potatoes of a routine are the front pose, back pose, and transitions between poses.

    I will die on this hill: less is more for posing.

    —Phoebe Hagan

    Mastering the fundamentals to effectively and accurately display your physique will offer far more mileage on the competitive scorecards than most other facets of posing, like confidence and personality on stage or gear color/bling.

    2. Prioritize Practicing Stage Confidence

    Once the first tip is secured, practicing stage confidence to ensure there are no jitters or other nerves that could interfere with your posing or otherwise cause distraction can be immensely helpful. This is different from practicing posing — get that down first.

    Once the fundamentals are safe, how you perform those poses can level up your presence on stage and help fuel favor during comparisons.

    3. Practice In Front Of & Next To People

    Practicing posing in front of others exposes you to a competitive environment when many people’s eyes are on you, and judgment is swirling. By practicing in isolation, the variable of others’ energy can catch you off guard.

    Hagan noticed a significant improvement in timing and confidence once she began practicing in front of more people during her training and preps. Likewise, posing next to other competitors can offer a feel for how to pose in tighter spaces, which more closely resembles what a pro contest is like.

    4. Own Your Energy

    It’s easy to match other competitors’ energy on stage. However, Hagan suggests that presenting on stage as anything other than your authentic self will detriment your overall performance.

    If your inclination when posing leans sexy, sassy, bouncy, smiley, or anything else, embody it fully. Ignore the trends and be what feels and looks best for you.

    5. Practice Sooner

    Don’t wait until your prep to begin posing practice. Hagan recommends practicing posing as soon as you know your show day, even if your physique is likely to change significantly as the contest nears.

    Get used to [posing] as soon as you can.

    Phoebe Hagan

    Exposure to the positions of each pose and the transitions between them should be ingrained in your muscle memory so that you can focus more on the necessary details as the show nears and when you’re on stage.

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    Featured image: @ifbb_pro_league on Instagram

  • Wesley Vissers Shares His Monstrous Methods for Bulging Biceps

    Wesley Vissers Shares His Monstrous Methods for Bulging Biceps

    The dumbbell bicep curl and loaded preacher curl are great moves for arm day, but classic physique competitor,Wesley Vissers,  also likes to take to the cables to crush those biceps, as the defined Dutchman recently explained.

    “A lot of people ask me, why do you train the biceps this way?” shared Wesley Vissers in an Instagram post for his more than one million followers. “’Cause I’m not pulling it from the bottom, I’m curling it from around hip height.” Vissers is talking of single arm cable curls, and he’s right. When executing these curls, you can start the lift from a much lower position than with many other bicep exercises. But why is this important?

    “A muscle grows best under a stretched position,” asserts the 2024 Arnold Classic winner, who goes on to demonstrate that starting the cable curl with his forearms parallel to the floor is far too easy for the kinds of monstrous gains that he is chasing. “But, as I go down, the tension increases and builds up more and more, and the maximum tension is when the stretch is at the max.”

    How Wesley Vissers Gets the Most Out of Cable Bicep Curls

    Using a single arm, Vissers is able to make sure that both limbs are building strength and mass equally, and he’s also able to position each arm behind his back as he hits the bottom of the lift. As he also shows, sending you your elbows behind your back requires a greater range of motion leading to a deeper stretch, while increasing tension on the biceps during the lifting phase. “That’s how the muscle grows best,” says the big man.

    “Bets arms in classic physique,” wrote one of Vissers impressed followers. “Looks effective, and brutal,” wrote another. Well, they do say ‘No Pain, No Gain, but for us mere mortals, it is recommended to start out with a lesser weight while perfecting the form of any exercise. Once you are ready to get into that serious muscle building zone, increase the weight so that you are failing somewhere in the 8-to-12-rep mark, and aim for 3 working sets.

    For more monstrous muscle tips follow Wesley Vissers on Instagram

  • How to Reduce Night Sweats Naturally

    How to Reduce Night Sweats Naturally

    Has waking up drenched in sweat become a nightly ritual? Consider this your cue to find a solution. Because night sweats are more than annoying (and a strain on your hamper); experienced often enough, they can take a toll on your overall health.

    “They can mess with your mood by disrupting your sleep. They can lead to weight gain because, when you don’t sleep, you eat more and your metabolism changes. All of those things can be a cascade effect of night sweats,” says Nanette Santoro, M.D., a professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine who researches menopause-related treatments.

    If you’re already struggling with the side effects of night sweats, rest assured it’s never too late to turn things around. Read on to understand why night sweats emerge and steps you can take to reduce night sweats naturally.

    Get relief from symptoms of hormonal imbalance — like night sweats — with Belle Vitale, a complete lifestyle program. Click here to learn more.

    What Causes Night Sweats​?

    There are several possible reasons you may wake up covered in sweat, and many are linked to your hormones. Here are the most common causes of night sweats.

    1. Hormonal imbalance

    Tops among the factors contributing to night sweats is hormonal imbalance, especially during menopause and perimenopause. “Night sweats are among the most common symptoms of menopause, experienced by up to 80 percent of women at some point in their transition,” Dr. Santoro says. However, night sweats can strike during any stage of a woman’s reproductive life from puberty into postmenopause.

    The agent of chaos here is estrogen which, in addition to helping regulate the menstrual cycle, helps moderate your body’s core temperature. Research shows that fluctuations in estrogen levels associated with menopause can effectively confuse your body’s internal thermostat, located in the hypothalamus.

    As a result, your brain can perceive changes in temperature where there aren’t any. So when levels of estrogen, which promotes cooler body temps, arbitrarily drop, your brain may falsely interpret that as an increase in core temperature and activate the sweat response to cool the body when it’s not actually needed.

    2. Mood stabilizing medications

    woman looking at prescription bottle | How to Reduce Night Sweats

    Mood stabilizers are sometimes prescribed to treat night sweats. “But the very same ones we use to treat night sweats can sometimes cause them,” Dr. Santoro notes.

    It’s unclear why, but Dr. Santoro says certain antidepressants affect the same area of the brain that causes night sweats, so they may impact brain chemistry in a way that sparks rather than dampens them.

    3. Thyroid activity

    In some people, the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland in the front of the neck churns out more hormones than needed. Hormones produced in the thyroid help manage metabolism, which is how your body turns food into energy. But when your system has a surplus of these hormones, many processes can speed up, causing rapid heartbeat, unexplained weight loss, nervousness, and… excessive sweating.

    4. Fever

    The fever you may get from various infections — cold, flu, chickenpox, etc. — can make your body temperature surge at night, resulting in excessive sweating. These nocturnal heat spells are part of your immune system’s efforts to battle the infection.

    5. Low blood sugar

    Ever wake up hungry and sweaty? You may have experienced a bout of low blood sugar. This is when your serum glucose (blood sugar) levels dip below normal, and can strike if you skip dinner, exercise late in the day, or drink alcohol before bed.

    If blood sugar drops too low, the body mobilizes adrenaline and cortisol to help restore it. These are the same hormones that drive the “fight-or-flight” response in times of stress by revving your heartbeat and releasing glucose into the blood to deliver energy in response to a perceived threat.

    Concurrent with this response is sweating, which is triggered to help regulate body temperature. So, while rare, your body can perceive malnourishment as a stressor and may respond accordingly.

    6. Alcohol consumption

    woman drinking wine on couch | How to Reduce Night Sweats

    Relaxing with a glass of wine before bed may set you up for sweaty rest. Alcohol can cause your blood vessels to relax and widen (known as vasodilation) and your pulse to quicken as your heart pumps harder to maintain blood flow.

    This can make your skin feel warm and flushed as more blood flows to the surface, subsequently triggering sweat glands to dissipate that heat. And the more you drink, the more profound this effect can be.

    The havoc wreaked on your body’s internal A/C may also be compounded by the cost of all this vasodilation: a drop in core temperature as all that warm blood is diverted to the surface.

    So, your skin is not only getting warmer and sweatier, your internal temperature is actually decreasing, an effect that may be further aggravated as the body tries to strike a balance between core and peripheral temps.

    7. Substance withdrawal

    Alcohol and drugs can not only increase heart rate during use — these substances can have the same effect while trying to quit them, resulting in night sweats, Dr. Santoro says.

    This occurs because your nervous system has gotten accustomed to functioning while on the given substance and now has to adjust to a new status quo. Heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature can rise, prompting the sweat response to cool the body.

    8. Chronic sweating

    Some people just naturally sweat more. Chronic sweating tends to run in families and results when the nerve that controls perspiration is oversensitive, triggering glands to produce more sweat than normal.

    If you experience chronic sweating, you may sweat heavily day and night. However, Dr. Santoro notes that fewer distractions at night often make sweating more noticeable when you’re trying to sleep.

    9. Vitamin B12 deficiency

    Up to 15 percent of us get too little vitamin B12, which is crucial for red blood cell production and neurological function. In extreme cases, deficiency may contribute to increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can lead to excessive sweating.

    If you think you may be experiencing adverse effects from any medication, substance issue, or physiological function, you should consult a healthcare professional.

    How to Know if You’re Sweating Abnormally

    woman resting in bed | How to Reduce Night Sweats

    There are some differences between night sweats and plain ol’ perspiration.


    Normal sweating tends to be continuous. “If you’re perspiring, you usually keep on perspiring because [the environment is] hot,” Dr. Santoro says. So, if you’re sweating because your bedroom’s a blast furnace, the sweat will pour fairly continuously until you stick a foot out from under the covers or crack open a window to cool off.

    Night sweats, on the other hand, are typically spasmodic. “Like hot flashes, night sweats come on pretty suddenly and then they go away,” Dr. Santoro says. In fact, the two can often accompany one another, and this cadence can repeat intermittently over the course of a night’s sleep or multiple nights’ sleep.


    If you’re awake during a night sweat, you may feel a sensation of intense heat that begins in the head and moves downward through your body. (And if you aren’t awake during a night sweat, you probably will be, which is another differentiator from normal sweating.) Regardless, once it subsides, that sensation can be followed by a chill as your body temperature normalizes, Dr. Santoro says.

    Additionally, unlike common perspiration, you may find that you’re sweating so much you become soaked and have to change your clothes. You may also notice that your heartbeat has sped up and your skin is flushed.

    5 Natural Remedies for Night Sweats​

    There are a number of lifestyle strategies you can employ to help minimize night sweats — of course it’s also a good idea to see a healthcare provider to find out what’s causing them. While natural remedies can help in many cases, some people may need more specialized care to treat a health condition.

    With that in mind, here are the behavioral changes that can help you sleep drier through the night.

    1. Avoid dietary triggers

    adding peppers to mixing bowl | How to Reduce Night Sweats

    Some foods can trigger night sweats, including:

    • Spicy foods like peppers contain natural compounds like capsaicin that trick your body into thinking you’re overheating. This triggers a cooling response that cranks up sweat production.
    • Caffeine stimulates your nervous system, which can cause body temperature to rise. It also sensitizes the nerves that control your sweat glands, so you may sweat more easily.
    • Alcohol, as explained earlier, can cause vasodilation of blood vessels, bringing more blood to the skin’s surface and making you feel warm and flushed. In turn, your body may release sweat to cool you down.
    • Hot beverages like cocoa, tea, and coffee can raise your internal temperature; your body may counter by activating the sweat response.

    To lower your odds of night sweats, steer clear of these dietary triggers close to bedtime.

    2. Reduce stress

    Effective stress management may help moderate body temperature, which has been found to increase in response to stress, particularly at the skin. Pausing for breath work exercises throughout the day is a simple step you can take to reduce stress.

    When you are stressed, your heart and breathing rate accelerate. By intentionally slowing your breathing, you’re telling your body’s stress response to stand down. Aim to spend a few minutes taking slow, deep inhales and exhales in the morning, mid-day, and before bed.

    3. Try select supplements*

    Some natural ingredients may help combat stress and anxiety.

    However, some supplements may interact with medications or health conditions, so check with your doctor before trying one.

    4. Take cold or lukewarm showers

    woman showering | How to Reduce Night Sweats

    Exposing your body to high heat (as during a hot shower) can make night sweats more likely, Dr. Santoro says. If you shower close to bedtime, keep the water lukewarm or even cold to prevent your body temps from skyrocketing. If that’s not a part of your regimen, try cooling off with a cold shower before bed.

    5. Cool down your environment

    To stave off night sweats, keep your bedroom cool.

    • Use a fan, open the windows, or crank up the A/C.
    • Cooling bedroom accessories can help, too. “Some of my patients swear by their cooling mattress,” Dr. Santoro says. If a new mattress is too big an investment, try pillows and mattress covers that contain cooling gels.
    • Opt for lightweight bedding and layer it to shed as needed during the night. Loose-fitting, lightweight pajamas are also a good idea.


    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Working Around The Rain – BionicOldGuy

    Working Around The Rain – BionicOldGuy

    Rainy Season is back! We had lots of rain overnight, but there was a break from last night’s rain this morning so I was able to sneak in a nice dry ride this morning.

    The sky sure looks nice between storms

    We’ll be getting a lot of rain the next few days so I’ll have to do some rides in the rain unless I stay indoors.

  • Drop Sets Explained: One Set or Multiple?

    Drop Sets Explained: One Set or Multiple?

    Drop sets are a potent method to enhance muscle exhaustion and facilitate muscle development, though they can be strenuous and not ideal for every individual. Typically, a drop set is counted as a single set, despite involving several decreases in weight.

    Understanding Drop Sets

    "Drop sets are a great way to intensify your workout and push your muscles to failure. However, they should be used strategically and not overused, as they can lead to overtraining." - Arnold Schwarzenegger"Drop sets are a great way to intensify your workout and push your muscles to failure. However, they should be used strategically and not overused, as they can lead to overtraining." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Drop sets are a fantastic training protocol you can incorporate into your workout routines.

    They involve gradually reducing the weight you lift during consecutive sets without taking a break.

    The main aim here is to continue exercising past the point of initial muscle fatigue.

    However, when I say “sets”, this doesn’t count as additional sets, but rather as an extension of the original working set.

    In other words, drop sets should always be counted as a single set.

    The main reason to perform drop sets is to increase muscular endurance and promote muscle growth.

    This is achieved through fully fatiguing the muscle fibres.

    That being said, although drop sets can increase strength, there is evidence published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness that shows that simply performing normal heavy sets will lead to greater strength improvements.

    Drop sets are suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced trainees, but they should be used carefully to avoid overtraining.

    Furthermore, you can apply them to pretty much every exercise, thus enhancing workout intensity and efficiency.

    Just ensure you maintain proper form throughout to enjoy the maximum benefits.

    The Most Common Way to Use Drop Sets

    Personally, I have mainly used drop sets during the last set of an exercise.

    My standard protocol would involve a total of 3 drop sets after the final working set while ensuring that the reps remain the same.

    Plus, I will typically reduce the weight by around 10-30% for each subsequent drop set.

    Here’s an example with barbell bicep curls:

    Barbell Bicep Curls: The Single Drop Set Method
    Set Reps Weight
    1 8-12 70lbs
    2 8-12 70lbs
    3 + 3 Drop Sets 8-12 70lbs ➡️ 50lbs ➡️ 40lbs ➡️ 30lbs
    Brought to you by

    However, the final working set which includes 3 drop sets should only be counted as ONE SET and not 4 total sets.

    Realistically, your “real” sets (for want of a better word) should be performed with maximum weight, intensity, and repetitions.

    Drops sets are simply a way to squeeze a bit extra out, while your muscles are fatigued and close to failure, by incorporating the same movement but with reduced weight.

     So, the above bicep workout involves only 3 sets and not 6 sets.

    The “Every Set Drop Set” Method

    The every set drop set method is exactly as it sounds, you perform a drop set for every single set of each exercise throughout your routine.

    This will significantly increase the intensity and volume of your workout.

    Basically, you’re looking to push your muscles to fatigue at various resistance levels.

    This will enhance muscle endurance and growth by exposing your muscles to a wide range of stimuli in a single session.

    I will say that this is extremely effective for muscle hypertrophy but with a few caveats.

    Firstly, you have to consider your overall workout intensity, training volume, and powers of recovery in order to avoid overtraining.

    Therefore, I would recommend that the every set drop set method is only used by experienced lifters, especially those trying to break out of a plateau.

    "Drop sets can be a great way to increase muscle growth and endurance if used correctly. However, they're not suitable for everyone, especially beginners. Start with lighter weights and lower reps before progressing to heavier weights and more drops." - Bret Contreras, Strength & Conditioning Coach"Drop sets can be a great way to increase muscle growth and endurance if used correctly. However, they're not suitable for everyone, especially beginners. Start with lighter weights and lower reps before progressing to heavier weights and more drops." - Bret Contreras, Strength & Conditioning Coach

    Then again, use this method if you wish to temporarily intensify your training.

    So, I would not recommend that beginners try this method, plus, I would avoid training this way for more than two days per week.

    Ensure that you have at least 72 hours between these two sessions and train normally for the rest of the week.

    Finally, take notice of your recovery, as well as how you feel in the gym, as there’s no point in continuing if you feel permanently exhausted or if you find that your training sessions suffer.

    Barbell Bicep Curls: The Every Set Drop Set Method
    Phase Reps Weight
    Initial Set 8-12 70lbs
    Drop Set 1 8-12 50lbs
    Drop Set 2 8-12 30lbs
    Brought to you by

    As you can see from the table I have decreased the number of drop sets from 3 to 2.

    This workout will still consist of just 3 working sets and not 9 sets in total.

    Now, you can try the every set method with 3 drop sets per set, but this is a huge amount of intensity and volume.

    So, this is potentially something you can work your way up to, but I would err on the side of caution, and use fewer drop sets until your body becomes more accustomed to this type of training.

    This is also a great opportunity for you to check out my article that discusses whether you should perform bicep curls seated or standing.

    Key Learning Points

    • A drop set is counted as one set.
    • Drop sets involve reducing the weight with subsequent sets without taking rest between these “sets”.
    • They are a great way to enhance muscle endurance and muscle growth.
    • The most common method of using drop sets is to incorporate a drop set into the final set of a specific exercise.
    • I would generally perform 3 drop sets after the final set of an exercise.
    • You can use the “every set drop set” method, which involves performing a drop set after every single set, I typically stick to 2 drop sets using this method.
    • Every set drop sets are an advanced training method and should be avoided by beginners.
    • Don’t perform “every set drop sets” more than twice per week and train normally for the remainder of the week.
    • Be wary of your recovery and ensure that your workouts aren’t suffering due to potential overtraining.

    One of the greatest advantages of drop sets is that they increase metabolic stress as well as promote greater muscle growth. Essentially, you can burn fat while building muscle. Which is the exactly focus of the Massthetic Muscle workout program.

  • Recovery After Workout: Tips for Faster Healing

    Recovery After Workout: Tips for Faster Healing

    There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a hard workout. The same could be said for the soreness that comes after. But even though that soreness is a good thing—a sign of muscle growth—it can be hard to stay sidelined.

    Is it possible to speed up the recovery process and get back to training sooner? 

    The quick answer is yes! From hydration and nutrition to stretching and sleep, science-backed strategies can speed up your recovery, transforming after-workout sweats into newfound strength. 

    That said, since everyone’s fitness goals and training styles are unique, you’ll need to find an approach tailored to you. Read on to find out how you can do just that.

    Why Post-Workout Recovery Matters

    Proper recovery is more than a matter of muscle soreness; it’s a complex process impacting your overall fitness progress. 

    This is because rest and recovery are intrinsically tied to:

    • Muscle repair and growth – You create microscopic tears in your muscle fibers every time you exercise, particularly during strength training. Only during recovery can your body repair these tears, leading to stronger, more developed muscles.
    • Injury prevention – When your body is given time to heal and adapt between workouts, your muscles, tendons, and ligaments become more resilient. This helps decrease the likelihood of strains, sprains, and other overuse injuries.
    • Better performance – Effective recovery allows for a consistent training schedule. Taking time to recover well enables you to perform at a higher level in later workouts, leading to steadier progress in your fitness journey.

    Whether elite athlete or weekend warrior, post-workout recovery is a must for everyone. So how can you maximize the potential (and minimize the duration) of this downtime? 

    Strategies to Enhance Recovery 

    Much like a high-performance machine, your body depends on several key processes to operate at peak efficiency and recover from intense use. 

    Let’s delve into five of these processes: 

    #1. Hydration: Keeping the Gears Oiled

    Proper water intake is crucial for every bodily function, and recovery is no exception. Intense exercise depletes your body’s water and electrolyte stores through sweat, meaning you’ll need to replace those lost fluids for your muscles to fully recover.

    Aim to drink water consistently throughout your exercise day, not just during and after a workout. For especially intense workouts spanning several hours, consider sports drinks to replenish electrolytes—just be mindful of sugar content in line with your fitness goals.

    #2. Nutrition: Fueling Recovery 

    Just as the right fuel keeps a machine running smoothly, your body needs the right balance of nutrients to optimize recovery. Here’s a quick rundown of the best foods for pre- and post-workout recovery:

    • Carbohydrates are awesome for two reasons: they power you through the workout itself, and they replenish the glycogen in your muscles that get depleted during exercise. Simple and complex carbs like fruits, whole grains, and starchy vegetables before your workout can give you energy and help maximize calorie burn, while post-workout carbs support faster muscle recovery.
    • Protein is one of the biggest contributors to muscle growth, so opt for high-quality proteins like lean meats, fish, eggs, and plant-based options like beans, legumes, and tofu. Protein shakes and bars can also provide a quick and convenient boost after a hard workout, but research shows that results are the same whether you have protein before or after exercising.
    • Healthy fats such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil work to reduce inflammation and replenish energy. Incorporating these healthy fats into your post-workout meals helps maintain a balanced diet and supports long-term recovery. A snack like almond butter on whole-grain toast or a smoothie with flaxseed is a great example of post-exercise nutrition that balances fats with protein and carbs.

    These nutrients are the building blocks of both immediate recovery and long-term fitness. Fueling your body the right way is essential for getting the most out of your training.

    #3. Rest and Sleep: Daily Maintenance

    Just like any well-maintained machine needs downtime, your body relies on rest to repair and rebuild after intense activity. Sleep is where much of this magic happens, producing growth hormones that aid in: 

    • Muscle repair and growth
    • Healing damaged tissues
    • Restoring your energy

    Aim for a solid, consistent 7-9 hours of sleep every night. If you feel especially tired after a workout, a quick 20 to 30-minute nap could provide the recharge you need. Just be careful about napping too long, as this might disrupt your usual sleep schedule. 

    #4. Active Recovery: Maximizing Momentum

    While machines require total downtime after heavy use, the human body uniquely thrives on active recovery—low-intensity activities that boost blood flow and help muscles optimize growth without overstressing them. 

    Your workout deserves a Chuze upgrade! Awesome gym, awesome price. Join the community!

    Some effective active recovery strategies include:

    • Light jogging, swimming, or cycling – These movements circulate blood through your muscles, deliver oxygen and nutrients, and promote recovery without the intensity of a full workout.
    • Incorporating yoga sessions or a gentle stretching routine – Doing so helps you improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and potentially lowers your risk of workout-related injuries in the future. 
    • Keeping a regular schedule of active recovery – Yes, even on rest days! While experts recommend taking at least two days off per week from working out, striking the right balance between passive and active recovery during these rest days keeps your body primed for the next workout.

    As counterintuitive as it might sound, incorporating these activities into your routine can lead to a quicker recovery after workout.

    Of course, you always want to listen to your body and avoid overdoing yourself. So, don’t be afraid to take a day off if you feel like it’s too much.

    #5. Tools and Tech for Post-Workout Tuneups 

    Tools like foam rollers and massage guns are fantastic ways to help release muscle tension and improve circulation.

    These tools are particularly useful if you’re just starting a new routine or cranking up the intensity of an old one. Thanks to modern tech, muscle soreness can be managed quite well with: 

    • Foam rollers for larger muscle groups (your quads, hamstrings, and back) 
    • Massage guns for more targeted relief to knots or tense spots
    • Compression gear to prevent swelling and inflammation, especially in the legs

    These are just a handful of the many options that promise to accelerate muscle recovery. 

    A word of caution, though: Before incorporating a lot of self-treatment strategies into your routine, it’s best to do additional research and consult with your physician. Each body—and each muscle in that body—is unique, so make sure chosen treatments align with your needs.

    Creating Your Personalized Recovery Routine

    Again, no two bodies are exactly the same. And the specifics of your recovery routine depend very much on your body, workout schedule, and fitness goals. So how can you find your ideal routine? 

    There are a few ways:

    1. Listen to your body. Look out for signs of overtraining such as persistent fatigue, disrupted sleep, and irritability. These may indicate a need for more recovery time, a less intense workout schedule, or different recovery strategies. Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all solution, so tuning in to your body’s signals is critical.
    2. Build off the basics. Before diving into advanced recovery techniques like ice baths or red light therapy, make sure you’ve built a solid foundation. This includes proper hydration, balanced nutrition (particularly protein and carbs for muscle repair), and quality sleep. Once you have these habits in place, it’s easier to adapt to new changes and observe the effect they have.
    3. Evolve your routine. As your workout intensity or fitness goals change, so should your recovery routine. If you notice your current recovery methods aren’t as effective—maybe you’re still feeling sore or fatigued—try incorporating new tools like foam rolling, percussive therapy, or active recovery sessions to support your progress.
    4. Find your ideal recovery time. Factors like age, stress, and current fitness level can greatly affect how long it takes to recover after a workout. If you’re new to exercise, give yourself plenty of recovery time, ideally two or three days per week. Doing so is much better than pushing through fatigue and risking injury. 

    It may take time and experimentation to discover the perfect recovery routine for your body. 

    Rather than going full throttle with your recovery efforts, aim for something that you can maintain long-term. So, adjust and experiment as needed. With a little time and dedication, you’ll be on your way to recovering faster, smarter, and at a pace that’s perfect for you.

    Make Recovery Part of Your Fitness Routine at Chuze

    It’s not just what you do in the gym that builds strength; how you recover matters just as much. But recovery doesn’t have to mean sitting out from your next session. 

    Balancing essentials like hydration, nutrition, and sleep along with more targeted strategies can help you speed up the healing process, getting you back to the gym faster. 

    And with a gym like one of our Chuze Fitness centers, who wouldn’t want to come back faster? 

    Chuze supports both your workout and your recovery with our fully outfitted facilities. Unwind sore muscles with a soothing HydroMassage, chill in a CryoLounge chair, or relax under red light therapy while sipping on a Chuze Blend post-workout smoothie. 

    Try a free 7-day membership trial to see for yourself.


    Houston Methodist. Exercise Recovery: Why It’s Important & 3 Tips for Doing it Right.

    Healthline. Should You Drink Sports Drinks Instead of Water? 

    Healthline. Should You Have a Protein Shake Before or After Your Workout?

    Healthline. Is It Normal to Take a Nap After a Workout?

    Houston Methodist. Exercise Recovery: Why It’s Important & 3 Tips for Doing It Right.

    UPMC. Benefits of Compression Gear.

    Everyday Health. Post-Workout Muscle Recovery: How to Let Your Muscles Heal and Why.


    Reviewed By:

    Ani is the Vice President of Fitness at Chuze Fitness and oversees the group fitness and team training departments. She’s had a 25+ year career in club management, personal training, group exercise and instructor training. Ani lives with her husband and son in San Diego, CA and loves hot yoga, snowboarding and all things wellness.



  • Healthy Post Workout Snacks – The Fitnessista

    Healthy Post Workout Snacks – The Fitnessista

    Sharing a roundup of some of my favorite post workout snacks and ideas for fueling around your workouts. 

    Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a great one so far! I’m over here editing podcast content and have client calls the rest of the day.

    For today, I wanted to chat a bit about workout fueling and some pot workout snacks. While I am a certified nutrition coach, personal trainer, and Integrative Health Practitioner, these are just friendly general suggestions. As always, reach out to your personal RD or health team for personalized advice.

    As we all know, I looove working out. Some days are easier than others, but I experience so many amazing benefits from taking the time to move my body each day; I’m sure many of you can relate. It gives me mental clarity, energy, strength, confidence, and I love checking the box towards long-term health. After I work out, I usually have a meal or a healthy snack. Fueling yourself post exercise can maximize performance, speed up muscle recovery, and restore energy levels.

    Just a heads up that not all snacks are created equal—some can derail progress.

    Today I wanted to share a roundup of healthy post workout snacks that will help refuel, rebuild muscle tissue, and help you feel satisfied after sweaty workouts.

    10 Healthy Post Workout Snacks

    There’s a lot of nuance to workout fueling: how hungry are you? What time of day is it? What type of workout are you doing? What did you already eat today?

    My very general rule of thumb is nothing or a little carbs before a workout, protein + carbs afterwards. When you include carbohydrates and protein, this can help restore glucose levels, support muscle repair and post workout recovery.

    Here are some ideas for store-bought snacks and homemade recipes that include both plant-based and traditional meat protein sources.

    Is It Healthy To Eat After A Workout?

    Eating after a workout is one of the keys to recovery, whether it’s a snack or a meal. It depends on the timing of your workout.

    Intense workouts break down muscle tissue and deplete glycogen stores.

    Some of the benefits of eating after a workout:

    Muscle recovery and repair – Provides essential amino acids for protein synthesis.

    Restores energy – Replenishes glycogen through carbohydrates. When you combine protein and carbs, this can potentially enhance this.

    Reduces muscle soreness – Supports faster healing and reduces inflammation.

    Optimizes performance – Fuels the body for future workouts. You can crush your workouts if you’re depleted!

    Superfood smoothie recipesSuperfood smoothie recipes

    What Is A Healthy Snack After A Workout?

    A healthy post workout snack combines high quality protein (20-30 grams) with complex carbohydrates to support muscle recovery.

    Here are some of my go-t0 options for store-bought protein bars, simple homemade snacks, and grab-and-go ideas.

    Healthy Post Workout Snacks

    1. Greek Yogurt with Peanut Butter and Berries

    Protein-rich Greek yogurt with berries and peanut butter or almond butter.

    This snack provides at least 15 grams of protein, carbs for energy, and healthy fats for satiety. If you’re dairy-free, simply have some plant-based yogurt and mix in some of your favorite protein powder (I like EquiLife Daily Nutritional Support, Truvani, and NOW Foods)

    2. Protein Smoothie with Spinach and Protein Powder

    Combine almond milk, banana or berries, spinach, and a scoop of high quality protein powder. I’ll also often add cocoa powder and/or peanut butter.

    Why it works: Smoothies are super easy to digest, ideal for muscle repair and replenishing energy post workout.

    3. Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter Protein Fluff and Fruit

    I love to have a couple of rice cakes and make a peanut butter protein fluff. Just add peanut butter, your favorite protein powder, and a little almond milk to a bowl. Stir it up until it becomes a fluffy texture and spread on the rice cakes. Top with any fruit you like!

    4. Cottage Cheese with Grain Crackers and Veggies

    Pair protein-rich cottage cheese with fiber-filled crackers and sliced cucumbers or peppers.

    I recommend this as a snack because it’s super filling has a ton of protein, and tastes delicious. Since I’m dairy-free and can’t have cottage cheese, please enjoy it for meeeee.

    5. Homemade Energy Bites

    Here are some of my go-to energy bites with almond butter, protein powder, honey, and dried fruit.

    This combo provides a healthy mix of carbs, protein, and fats for post workout recovery. It’s also portable so you can just put some in a little container and you’re good to go.

    6. Turkey, Tuna, or Chicken Wrap with Hummus

    Use a whole grain wrap, sliced turkey or chicken, and hummus. Add leafy greens and sliced veggies for extra nutrients.

    I feel like a wrap is the perfect meal. You can customize it how you like, it’s portable, and hits all of the boxes for protein, fat, and carbs.

    7. Hard-Boiled Eggs with Grain Crackers

    Pair hard-boiled eggs with whole-grain crackers for a nutrient-dense snack. I also like to add avocado slices, sriracha, and everything but the bagel seasoning.

    8. Protein Bar with Natural Ingredients

    When I buy store-bought protein bars, I aim for minimal ingredients and at least 10-15 grams of protein. My favorites are EquiLife (lower on the protein, so I’d have an egg or something else with it), Truvani bars, Go Macro, and Aloha.

    9. Sardine Mash

    I like to mash sardines in a bowl with avocado mayo, sriracha, and everything but the bagel seasoning and scoop it up with Smple Mills crackers. It’s SO tasty – like a tuna salad, but better- and the kids love it, too!

    10. Quinoa Bowl with Grilled Veggies and extra protein

    A small bowl of cooked quinoa or rice topped with roasted veggies, any leftover protein you have from dinner the night before (or some chickpeas), and a drizzle of olive oil.

    This is a great mix of complext carbs and plant protein for optimal recovery.

    Tips for Eating Healthy Post Workout Snacks

    – Prep snacks ahead of time for convenience.

    – Prioritize options with high quality protein and complex carbs.

    – Avoid processed sugar and junk foods post exercise—they hinder recovery, and I find that sugar just makes you crave more sugar.

    – Hydrate to aid muscle function and repair.

    As always, try different post workout meals and snacks to see what works for you! Pre workout and post workout nutrition play a huge role in performance, recovery, and results.

    So, tell me, friends: what’s your favorite post workout snack?



    More ideas are here:

    Healthy peanut butter snacks

    Healthy Trader Joe’s products

  • High-Protein Cottage Cheese Cookie Dough

    Cottage cheese cookie dough recipe | MyFitnessPal

    When you imagine making holiday goodies you probably picture 5-pound bags of flour and sugar, a kitchen sink filled with mixing bowls, and a butter-smeared apron. It’s an activity that can go on for hours and mean tasting at least one of every batch of cookies as they emerge from the oven. 

    But that’s not the only way to produce a seasonal sweet treat. This chocolate chip cookie dough comes together in minutes with minimal mess. There’s no need to fire up the oven.  

    And best of all, it’s packed with protein. Cottage cheese is your superpower when it comes to enjoying a high protein dessert. While some prefer it on its own, it owes its massive popularity to its versatility. 

    You can use cottage cheese in all kinds of different recipes. (Trust us, we wrote a few of them!) And that includes tons of desserts, but this craveable high-protein cookie dough just might be our favorite.

    Watch the video to see how we made it, then give it a try for yourself. Enjoy!


    Have a sweet tooth but trying to increase your protein? Try out this viral cottage cheese cookie dough! Let us know what other desserts you want to see a protein-packed version of in the comments: 💪🍪⬇ Recipe: – 1 Cup Cottage Cheese – 1 Tablespoon Maple Syrup – 1 Scoop Protein Powder – ⅔ Cup Almond Flour – 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract – Blend – ¼ Cup of Chocolate Chips – Stir and enjoy!! #protein #proteinhack #easyrecipe #recipe #myfitnesspal #healthyrecipe #nobake #cottagecheesecookiedough #cottagecheese #cookiedough mfpp #nobakecookiedough

    ♬ original sound – MyFitnessPal

    Serves: 4


    • 1 cup cottage cheese
    • 1 tbsp maple syrup
    • 1 scoop protein powder
    • ⅔ cup almond flour
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • ¼ cup chocolate chips


    1. In a food processor, combine the cottage cheese, maple syrup, protein powder, almond flour, and vanilla extract. 
    2. Process until smooth.
    3. Remove mixture from the processor, and put it into a bowl. 
    4. Stir in the chocolate chips, and dig in!

    Nutrition Information: 

    Calories: 200, Total fat: 8.5g, Saturated Fat: 4.3g, Cholesterol: 24.4mg, Sodium: 252 mg, Carbs: 15.7 g, Dietary Fiber: 1.5g, Protein: 14.3 g

    The post High-Protein Cottage Cheese Cookie Dough appeared first on MyFitnessPal Blog.

  • Clean Energy Drink that Burns Fat

    Clean Energy Drink that Burns Fat

    Are you tired of feeling sluggish and drained by midday? Say goodbye to the mid-afternoon slump with Pep Rally Energy Boost, the clean energy drink that burns fat and keeps you going during long and tiring days.

    Packed with natural ingredients, Pep Rally is designed to give you the perfect energy boost without the crash or jitters like most energy drinks do! 

    What sets Pep Rally apart?

    Unlike other energy drinks loaded with artificial ingredients and excessive caffeine, Pep Rally has clean, effective energy. Each packet delivers 100mg of caffeine from the best natural sources like green tea, ensuring that you get the energy you need without any unwanted side effects.

    Green Tea Benefits 

    Green tea has been a health staple for centuries because of the many health benefits it contains – natural energy boost, supports brain health, boosts metabolism, rich in antioxidants, and promotes calm and focus.

    Now imagine these benefits paired with a sunny, refreshing tangerine flavor in an easy-to-take ANYWHERE stick pack!

    Our Pep Rally Energy Boost

    Packed with 100 mg of caffeine from green tea and an innovative blend of adaptogens and vitamins. Let’s break down all the clean ingredients and benefits in each stick pack:

    • Caffeine (from Green Tea)
      Provides a clean, sustained energy boost without the crash or jitters. 

    • Vitamin C 
      Known for supporting a healthy immune system, Vitamin C also acts as a powerful antioxidant to protect your body from stress.

    • Vitamin B6 and B12
      These essential B vitamins are key players in energy production, brain function, and overall vitality. Vitamin B6 helps convert food into energy, while B12 supports the nervous system and reduces fatigue.

    • Proprietary Adaptogen Blend:

      • Ashwagandha (KSM-66®)
        The most powerful Ashwagandha adaptogen, helps your body manage stress while improving focus and endurance.
      • Asian Ginseng Root Extract
        Known to support cognitive function, energy, and immune health, ginseng is an excellent addition for overall vitality.
      • Maca Root Powder
        This ancient Peruvian root is renowned for enhancing stamina, energy, and mood.
    • L-Theanine
      Promotes calm focus and offsets the stimulating effects of caffeine for a smooth, jitter-free experience. Also helps with libido 😉

    • Tangerine Flavor
      Zero sugar, naturally sweetened with stevia and monk fruit, and citric acid, beta carotene, and red beet powder for a refreshing taste you’ll love!!

    Whether you’re powering through a workout, tackling a busy day, or simply looking for a delicious pick-me-up, Pep Rally Tangerine Energy Boost is the BEST choice.

    Green tea’s health benefits are undeniable, but Pep Rally takes it to the next level by combining the natural power of green tea with science-backed adaptogens, vitamins, and a burst of juicy flavor.

    Time to ditch those fake energy drinks and upgrade with our Pep Rally Energy Boost! 

  • Train for your Old Person Body

    Train for your Old Person Body

    Last December, I sheepishly admitted there was a huge hole in my Nerd cred.

    I grew up drawing cartoons, took AP art in high school, and was always fascinated by hand-drawn animation…

    But I had never seen a single second of any Studio Ghibli cartoon!

    Studio Ghibli is the Japanese equivalent of Disney, with Hayao Miyazaki as the Japanese Walt: the studio has won multiple Academy Awards for their beautifully hand-drawn animated films, and Miyazaki has reached legendary status for making these films over the past 40+ years.

    Luckily, the amazing community over on Threads gave me hundreds of comments of support and helped me decide which movie I should start with!

    Since making that announcement, I’ve watched all 20+ Studio Ghibli films, fell in love with Japan, and became endlessly fascinated with Hayao Miyazaki.

    (My favorites are Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Whisper of the Heart, and The Wind Rises.).

    After watching every film, I moved on to watching documentaries about Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli because I needed to know more.

    Thanks to these documentaries, I got a fascinating look at Miyazaki’s creative style and experiences in making these films alongside his coworkers.

    The running joke has been that Miyazaki is the “Never-ending man” and can’t seem to retire.

    There was something that stood out to me in each documentary:

    In The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, at one point all employees at Studio Ghibli stood up and moved through a series of mobility drills and calisthenics, including Miyazaki.

    Later in the doc, I observed Miyazaki demonstrating a very deep squat with perfect form and no assistance. How many people do you know in their mid-late 70s who can perform an unassisted deep squat!?

    In Never-ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki, Miyazaki is filmed multiple times chopping wood with an ax in the backyard of his studio.

    And in Hayao Miyazaki and The Heron, Miya-san (his nickname), now in his 80s, is still out chopping wood, going for walks in the woods, climbing over fallen trees, doing his office exercises, and hard at work on the film that would culminate his life’s work.

    (Yes, I know. Miyazaki also has a cigarette in his mouth for nearly every minute of every documentary! He’s lucky that he hasn’t developed lung cancer yet, and I’m reminded he’s not the perfect picture of health!).

    I bring this up because I think it shows a different side of exercise than we might normally consider.

    Train for your Old Person Body

    Watching this doc of Hayao Miyazaki staying active and keeping his brain sharp into his 80s…

    I was reminded of this amazing post from Elizabeth (@ThisGirlLifts on Instagram):

    As we get older, it’s easier for us to move less, which gives us less energy, and makes it more difficult to find the momentum and mobility to keep moving. This might keep us from spending time with our family or our friends because we’re unable to muster up the energy.

    Teddy Roosevelt once said “let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out.”

    In other words: use it or lose it, bub.

    It’s not a stretch for me to imagine Miyazaki’s ability to be a “never-ending man” is not only due to good genetics (and luck), but also because he has actively chosen to wear out rather than rust out.

    Reflecting on why he chose to push himself to complete yet another animated film into his 8th decade on this planet, he simply replied that this was all he knew how to do: “I’d rather die doing this than die doing nothing.”

    Fitness is more than weight loss

    At Nerd Fitness, we encourage all Rebels to think about their “Big Why:”

    Why bother exercising and building new habits and pushing yourself to level up your life when the couch beckons?

    What’s the point of exerting yourself and learning to deal with discomfort when retreating to comfort is easier and so damn alluring?

    A really strong “Big Why” can help us stay on target especially when life turns into a dumpster fire or we want to give up.

    For Miyazaki, he’s decided that “getting out what’s inside me” is a worthy use of his time. He’s found peace and fulfillment through creating things rather than consuming them, which means he needs to take care of his body enough to stay alive long enough to get these things done!

    For my gramma (who I visited in the hospital last month), her purpose is to support her community and help those around her. Staying active allowed her to do this well into her 90s!

    If you’re struggling to come up with a reason for why to do something…

    You can do worse than “Training for my old person body.” This is the only body you get, and the only life you get, so today is as good a day as any to start treating your body with a bit more respect.

    It doesn’t need to be dramatic either. We can start simple:

    • We can go for a short daily walk.
    • We can stand up throughout the day and do mobility work like squats and arm swings.
    • We can start strength training to build strong bones and stave off needing assistance for as long as possible.

    It’s on us to keep our bodies active, and wearing out is better than rusting out through lack of use.

    As a chaotic creator who spends a lot of time in my own head, Hayao Miyazaki has given me plenty to think about:

    I hope when I’m in my 80s, I am still writing this newsletter and helping people, chopping wood and going for walks and spending time with loved ones.

    I know I can’t control what happens and accidents happen and so much of life is outside of my control, but I’m going to do my best to give myself the best chance to keep creating and wear out rather than rust out!

    I’ll leave you with the final curmudgeonly quote from Miyazaki that closes out the documentary Hayao Miyazaki and the Heron:

    “Stop whining and get moving.”

    Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for me to train for my old man body!


    PS: The original Japanese title for The Boy and the Heron is How Do You Live?. This is a far more interesting (and apt) title for the film; it’s truly the encapsulation of his life’s work, those that have influenced him, and his deepest thoughts on the meaning of life.

    PPS: Need guidance and accountability to reach your fitness goals? Nerd Fitness has helped 10,000+ humans over the last 8 years with 1-on-1 online fitness coaching. Click here for more details.