Fitness Plans for Women over 40. If you’re over 40 and feeling stuck and aren’t sure if you can make the changes to your fitness that you’re hoping for, Diane’s story will provide you with hope and inspiration! Diane began following Hitch Fit after seeing a transformation story that truly inspired her. She had several goals, including getting back to her pre-pregnancy weight (which she achieved!) and learning more about what it would take to build muscle, get lean and eventually do a fitness show.
She began her Hitch Fit journey with a Fitness Model plan. Diane shed 10 pounds of fat and reduced her body fat by 10% throughout the course of her plan. Diane worked on the habit development side of things, but she also worked on a lot of mindset shifts too, really tackling old thought patterns and creating new, supportive ones. So proud of her for doing that work. At one point, Diane was looking at Hitch Fit transformation stories and using them for inspiration. It is such a beautiful thing that SHE is now the transformation story that will serve inspiration for you! If you are ready, start your transformation journey today at the link below.
Diane’s Fitness Over 40 Stats:
Starting weight: 123
Ending weight: 113.6
Starting body fat: 26%
Ending body fat: 16.94%
Diane’s Fitness Over 40 Before and After Photos:
Fit over 40 Before and After
Diane’s Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Story:
How to Get back to Pre-Pregnancy Weight
“I have always been curious how Fitness/Bikini Competition models achieved such amazing transformations in such a short period of time and now I know how!
My goal was not to step on stage but to learn how to get to my pre-pregnancy weight and size in the most efficient, effective way. I also want to have a blueprint for achieving fitness competition shape if I decide to pursue that as a later goal.
Now, I am not only able to fit in my pre-pregnancy size 2 clothes, but my size 2 clothes fit loose on me, and my body fat % is in the teens! Diana guided me on how to break my plateau, drop inches, pounds, and fat to hit my goal of fitting in my pre-pregnancy jeans in 10 short weeks! She also showed me how to maintain the results.
Before Hitch Fit, I was able to lose about 15 lbs on my own after having 2 wonderful children, but once I hit about 117-120 lbs I plateaued and could not hit less than 20% body fat or maintain less than 117 lbs. I was on this endless cycle of working out harder and longer and eating less and less with very little progress.
Get in Fitness Model Shape over 40
I was amazed by the incredible Hitch Fit Transformations and would frequent the success stories often since first subscribing. After about 1 year of trying to hit my goals on my own with a 6-day strength training split, and experimenting with different macros and diets while staying on my endless plateau, I was finally ready to reach out and transform with Hitch Fit.
Diana has been an amazing guide on this journey from a physical, mental, and emotional aspect. She has helped me find a positive, healthy, maintainable place of grace. She helped me build a better relationship with body, mind, health, and nutrition, as well as how to still work towards goals while traveling and on vacation.
After week 10, I was battling myself because part of me was very happy with what I already achieved, and part of me wanted to pursue learning more; I was beating myself up about it and Diana worked with me through the self-doubts and criticisms that surfaced.
I decided to enjoy what I achieved thus far and learn how to maintain where I was. I hit fitness goals in the past but always had trouble maintaining them, so I wanted to make sure I could keep the results this time. I transitioned to maintenance since I was not planning to compete, and my body was in a place where I felt happy and healthy.
My advice to you is: if you are truly ready to learn how to transform and make the changes needed to deliver the results you have always wanted, reach out to Hitch Fit now. You will learn how to achieve and maintain your goals with the most amazing guides, Diana and Micah.
I wish I had known about Hitch Fit sooner. You will learn how to get the results you want and keep them; you will work smarter. The Look Like a Fitness Model Plan had me eating more and working out less than I was doing on my own before the plan.
Thank you, Diana, for guiding me on this really fun, transformative journey, and thank you, Micah, for the journey we are on now!”
Program Choice: Fitness Model