
  • Dorian Yates Workout: Blood & Guts Review

    Dorian Yates Workout: Blood & Guts Review



    Dorian Yates Workout Blood & Guts Review - Header ImageAs any seasoned lifter will attest, the moment you stop adding more weights to the bar is the moment your calves will begin to deflate and your sense of manhood will begin to plummet.

    So what’s the solution?

    Triple up on protein powder whilst aggressively activating ‘mind muscle connection’ during insentient sessions on xHamster?

    Ditch the iron forever, become a foreign nomad whilst spouting the ‘holistic benefits’ of mushroom coffee as an alternative to a pre-workout?

    Fortunately, none of the above.

    In fact, if you’re wanting to get bigger and stronger in a short space of time, the most reliable way is to lift more weights with maximum intensity.

    In this post, we’ll be covering a system so simple and basic it’s almost laughable. However, the results speak for themselves.

    This workout was propagated by Dorian Yates during the early 1990’s who took the bodybuilding world by storm with his formidable size and strength that birthed a new era of ‘mass monsters’.

    But first… let’s learn more about the man himself.

    Who is Dorian Yates?

    Dorian Yates Workout Blood & Guts Review - Who Is Dorian YatesDorian Yates is a former professional bodybuilder who was born on 19 April 1962 in Birmingham, England.

    Yates won the coveted Mr. Olympia title six consecutive times in his career from 1992 to 1997 and currently has the fifth-highest number of wins of the competition behind Lee Haney, Ronnie Coleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Phil Heath. 

    As such:

    He is often regarded as one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time earning the nicknames ‘The Game Changer’ and ‘The First Mass Monster’ due to his relentless work ethic, self-discipline and methodical approach to fitness and nutrition that weren’t very popular during his era.

    As well as this,

    Yates had a tendency to neither confirm nor deny whether he would competitively compete beforehand and spend most of his time between contests out of the public eye, later earning the nickname ‘The Shadow’.

    Unlike most of his Californian-based competitors, Yates was known for not taking a single day off in 12 years.

    He would simply train at Temple Gym in Birmingham, known as ‘The Dungeon’ for no more than 4 times a week, preparing his meals, calculating his nutritional intake, analysing his training results through his log book and resting.

    In essence,

    He lived and breathed bodybuilding through and through.

    Yates later popularised the principles of high intensity training, which has its roots in Arthur Jones’ HIT system and Mike Mentzer’s Heavy Duty system that revolved around performing multiple and single-joint exercises consisting of no more than 1 or 2 sets to complete failure.

    He named this training program ‘Blood and Guts’ due to the extreme lengths one must go to achieve 100% failure and maximum intensity.

    It has also made those who dare to try this routine puke during training, but there’s no denying performing Dorian Yates’ workout will mold a champion in the long-run.


    Get a sick bucket at the ready – shit’s about to get real.


    Dorian Yates’ Blood and Guts workout is a 6 week training plan designed to increase muscle mass and overall strength.

    Through ‘high-intensity training’ (HIT), not to be confused with high-intensity interval training (HIIT), the Blood and Guts workout goes against today’s normal convention of stimulating muscle growth through volume, instead focusing on intensity and overall muscular failure.

    As such:

    This mass routine was created to stimulate new pathways of extreme growth using only two warm-up sets and one working set performed to maximum exertion with assistance from a training partner.

    It consists of 4 workouts over 6 days with 2 consecutive training days and 1 day off.

    The training plan is split into the following:

    • Chest and Biceps
    • Back
    • Deltoids and Triceps
    • Legs

    In case you haven’t put two and two together yet, this routine is purely for advanced lifters with years of lifting experience.

    The requirement to bust your balls on your one and only working set, going to failure and forcing out extra reps with the help of a training partner is not for the feint of heart.


    If this is something you want to give a go, bare in mind that this plan should only be used as a short-term change to your normal training program and should not be performed for longer than 6 weeks at a time.

    Dorian Yates Workout: Blood & Guts


    Day 1 – Chest and Biceps

    Exercise Sets Reps
    Rotator Cuff Warm Up 2 12
    Decline Barbell Bench Press (Warm Up) 2 10 – 12
    Decline Barbell Bench Press (Working Set) 1 6 – 8
    Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (Working Set) 1 6 – 8
    Dumbbell Flies (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Dumbbell Flies (Working Set) 1 6 – 8
    Dumbbell Concentration Curl (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Dumbbell Concentration Curl (Working Set) 1 6 – 8
    Barbell Curls (Working Set) 1 6 – 8



    Day 2 – Back


    Exercise Sets Reps
    Dumbbell Pullovers (Warm Up) 2 10 – 12
    Dumbbell Pullovers (Working Set) 1 8 – 10
    V-Bar Pulldown (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    V-Bar Pulldown (Working Set) 1 8 – 10
    Dumbbell Rows (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Dumbbell Rows (Working Set) 1 8 – 10
    Wide-Grip Rows (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Wide-Grip Rows (Working Set) 1 8 – 10
    Deadlifts (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Deadlifts (Working Set) 1 8 – 10



    Day 3 – Deltoids and Triceps

    Exercise Sets Reps
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Warm Up Set) 2 10 – 12
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Warm Up) 1 8 – 10
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Working Set) 1 6 – 8
    Side Lateral Raises (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Side Lateral Raises (Working Set) 1 8 – 10
    Cable Lateral Raises (Working Set) 1 6 – 8
    Cable Pushdown (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Cable Pushdown (Working Set) 1 8 – 10
    Skull Crushers (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Skull Crushers (Working Set) 1 8 – 10
    Seated Triceps Press (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Seated Triceps Press (Working Set) 1 8 – 10



    Day 4 – Legs

    Exercise Sets Reps
    Leg Extensions (Warm Up Set) 1 15
    Leg Extensions (Warm Up Set) 1 10 – 12
    Leg Extensions (Working Set) 1 10 – 12
    Leg Press (Warm Up) 2 10 – 12
    Leg Press (Working Set) 1 10 – 12
    Hack Squat (Warm Up) 2 10 – 12
    Hack Squat (Working Set) 1 10 – 12
    Leg Curls (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Leg Curls (Working Set) 1 10 – 12
    Stiff-Legged Deadlift (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Stiff-Legged Deadlift (Working Set) 1 10 – 12
    Calf Press (Working Set) 1 10 – 12
    Calf Press (Working Set to include Rest Pause) 3 Failure
    Seated Calf Raises (Warm Up) 1 10 – 12
    Seated Calf Raises (Working Set) 1 6 – 8




    The Blood and Guts routine does a great job of targeting all of your primary muscle groups across 6 days with a mixture of single-joint exercises (barbell curls, cable lateral raises etc) and multi-joint exercises (hack squats, deadlifts, dumbbell bench press etc).

    You will be performing between 5 – 7 exercises during each workout which is a great variety of movement to be able to stimulate muscle growth from varying angles.

    If that wasn’t enough:

    What makes this routine particularly effective is the ability to train with a training partner.


    Your training partner should push you beyond your limit and hold you accountable during every set and rep.

    No one likes a half-arser, and you should avoid any self-doubt and negative self-talk going into a workout to ensure you’re in the right frame of mind to push yourself to absolute failure.


    It’s worth highlighting that whilst training frequency plays a big role in muscle growth, the lack of training frequency of each muscle group in this routine is the only minor negative to pick out.

    You’re only required to train each muscle group once a week which probably isn’t the best use of your time if you’re able to get to the gym 5 or 6 days a week.

    Of course, what Blood and Guts lacks in volume and frequency, it makes up with through intensity.

    Whilst the level of intensity does play a big role in being able to recover from each work out efficiently, it could be a bit more optimised for the every day gym goer.

    It’s no secret that Dorian Yates was on a heroic amount of gear in his prime and arguably such a programme suited his lifestyle and goals better than most as he would always able to recover a lot faster and return to the gym in a shorter amount of time, therefore benefiting from frequency of training.



    The Blood and Guts workout is performed with 4 workouts across a 6 day working week over a 6 week cycle.

    As mentioned earlier,

    This is usually performed with 2 days on and 1 day off which is to be repeated throughout the week.

    For example:

    · Monday – Chest and Biceps

    · Tuesday – Back

    · Wednesday – Rest

    · Thursday – Deltoids and Triceps

    · Friday – Legs

    · Saturday – Rest


    Due to the amount of intensity included in this plan, it’s likely your body will need a few more days to recover from the initial stress and shock placed on your central nervous system.

    Therefore, it is important to be flexible with your recovery.

    If you need more days to recuperate, it’s perfectly fine to extend the working week over 7 or 8 days instead.

    Just always ensure you are listening to your body as this reduces the likelihood of incurring injuries.


    Performing a workout from the Blood and Guts program should last no longer than 45 – 60 minutes at a time.

    This is due to the low volume, high intensity included with rest times being kept to no longer than 1 minute between each set.


    Yates is famous for having always kept tabs on his progress through journaling.

    Whether it was understanding what he was eating each day, how much he weighed or just how strong he was getting, Yates would always keep a log book of how he was moving towards his goals.

    He believed in setting achievable, short-term goals (such as gaining 2lbs of body mass each month). Which, over the course of a year, equals to 24lbs (10kg) of muscle mass.

    Aside from having short-term goals, it’s also important to have achievable long-term goals.

    For instance,

    If you’d like to be able to bench press an additional 60lbs (30kg) by the end of the year, you can work backwards by progressively adding 5lbs (2.5kg) to your bench press each month for 12 months.

    In order to avoid plateauing on this routine, it is advisable to keep adding incremental weights to the bar each week to promote muscle growth.


    The only way to accurately do this is to know how much you lifted the week prior. 


    It is recommended to keep a log book with you during your workouts and to track how much you have lifted each week.

    By writing down your goals and progress, you’ll be better motivated to keep beating your last workout as well as seeing how far you have come and how close you are to reaching your short and long-term goals.

    Training Partners

    Dorian Yates Workout Blood & Guts Review - Training PartnersAs Dorian’s Yates workout requires you to train to failure, he advises training with someone who can assist you whilst you reach failure to ensure your overall safety.


    If your training partner has the same goals as you, you’ll be in a good place to constantly drive and motivate each other.

    At the very least, if you don’t have a training partner, getting a spotter during your lifts will help you hit failure in a controlled manner.

    It goes without saying:

    If you’re working without a spotter or training partner, you put yourself at greater risk of injury due to the level of intensity involved in this training program so make sure someone is on hand at all times in case things go tits up.

    Extra Negatives

    Dorian Yates Workout Blood & Guts Review - Extra NegativesThere are 3 phases of a lift that you will go through: the positive (shortening of the muscle), the static (holding of the muscle) and the negative (lengthening of the muscle).

    Yates reasons that most people will often focus on the positive phase of a lift (e.g. lifting a barbell below your chin during bicep curls where the muscles shorten) whilst lowering the weight back down with no control to its starting position.

    By doing so,

    You’ll miss performing the other half of the rep (i.e. where the muscle lengthens), known as the negative which causes greater muscle breakdown.


    If more emphasis is placed on lengthening muscle contraction, you’ll open yourself up to more possibilities of muscle growth.

    This is because if you’ve gone to failure on the positive phase of a lift, you’ll often have more left in the tank to perform negatives and therefore you haven’t gone to ‘true’ failure.

    Yates recommends performing additional negative reps at the end of your working set with the aid of a training partner.

    With the support of your training partner, bring the weight up to the positive phase of the lift and slowly control the weight through the negative phase until you can no longer perform the rep with good technique.

    By doing this, you’ll be able to make certain that you have completely depleted every area of the rep and would’ve truly passed your limits.


    During off-season (i.e. if/when you’re not competing on stage), Yates recommends performing a moderate amount of cardio for overall conditioning.

    He prescribes doing 25 – 30 minutes of cardio at a moderate pace at least 3 times a week.

    This also has the added benefit of helping with recovery after your workout as it promotes greater blood flow throughout your system and removes waste products.


    Cardio should be done on separate days to your weight training as Yates argues performing cardio and weight training on the same day interferes with muscle recovery and can adversely affects your strength gains.


    As the Blood and Guts workout is a high intensity training plan, it is important to rest and recover as effectively as possible.

    Aim for at least 7 – 9 hours of solid kip each night to avoid feeling run down and burnt out.


    Yates advises to keep your diet and nutrition fairly basic.

    It should be made up of whole-based foods derived mainly from animal sources, complex carbohydrates and high-quality fats.

    This includes: chicken breast, turkey breast, white fish, steak, eggs, oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes, vegetables and a few tablespoons of omega fatty acids each day.

    As this program is designed to put on muscle in a short amount of time, Yates recommends consuming at least 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight daily.

    For example, 

    If you weigh 200lbs (90kg), you should be aiming to eat at least 300g of protein each day.

    For carbohydrates, Yates recommends taking whatever your protein intake is per day and multiplying that by 1.5 – 2.

    So, using the example of 300g of protein, this would equate to 450g – 600g of carbohydates.


    You should be consuming 5 or 6 separate meals throughout the day in order to give your body enough time to absorb as much nutrients as possible.

    There’s no use trying to gulf down 300g of protein and 450g – 600g of carbohydrates in a small eating window as you’ll only be letting it pass through your system, as opposed to effectively digesting it.

    Not to mention:

    Your toilet will absolutely hate you for it.

    Whilst the above example requires a lot of calorie consumption, it’s important to realise that even for Dorian Yates, trying to eat 300g of protein and 450g – 600g of carbohydrates daily for muscle growth is simply unfeasible given how busy one’s life can get.


    It’s advisable to include some form of supplementation in order to help you hit your daily requirements.

    Yates’ supplement schedule would normally be as follows:

    Early morning:

    • Protein shake with a banana (to be consumed a few hours after breakfast)

    Pre-workout (30 minutes before):


    • Fast digesting protein supplement (e.g. whey protein isolate)
    • Simple sugars (e.g. dextrose, sucralose)

    Once you get the insulin spike from the simple sugars, this will elevate your blood pressure and push the nutrients you’ve just consumed into the muscles after they have been depleted from the workout for maximum recovery,

    Yates then recommends following up with some glutamine or creatine as this will increase their absorption rate. 


    Dorian Yates’ Blood and Guts workout is a great program to follow for the advanced lifter.

    Whilst there’s nothing particularly fancy about this routine, 6 weeks of high-intensity training will test you both physically and mentally.

    With that said:

    If your typical workout is essentially an hour of scrolling through Instagram with a few bicep curls and selfies thrown in for good measure, then you’re in for a rude awakening.

    A few training sessions from this program will make you quickly realise Dorian Yates was an absolutely sadistic human.

    However, the beauty of the Blood and Guts workout is being able to go through hell and back with a training partner.

    Having a good training partner to push you will make all the difference in terms of experiencing muscular growth and increased strength.

    It goes without saying,

    Your training partner should provide very little assistance when performing your one working set.

    Instead, they should be by your side to stop you from killing yourself and to check that you are performing the exercise safely and not completing the reps for you.

    After performing this routine for 4 weeks, I noticed considerable differences in my strength level.

    For instance, my incline dumbbell bench press increased by 29% from 28kg to 36kg, my dumbbell rows increased by 24% from 34kg to 42kg and my leg press increased by 28% from 250kg to 320kg to name but a few.

    In order to get bigger, you must also get stronger and the Blood and Guts workout is designed to make you stronger in all areas of your physique.

    In terms of size, whilst I did experience increased muscle mass performing this routine for 6 weeks, it wasn’t as much as I would’ve expected.

    Going flat out and full intensity for 6 weeks and with protein consumption prioritised above all else, I only experienced an additional 3kg of muscle mass (up from 80kg when I first started).

    Perhaps my expectations where slightly unrealistic as I was aiming to achieve at least 5kg of additional muscle mass in that time.


    This routine was performed completely drug-free so it’s important to bear in mind that growth and size will come, albeit at a slower pace if you are looking to perform the Blood and Guts routine naturally.

    However, there is no denying that consistency and frequency of training are key in all aspects of this program to achieve phenomenal results.



    Dorian Yates’ Blood and Guts workout is a tried and tested mass-building program designed for fast results through the application of maximum intensity.

    Whilst this plan isn’t for the feint hearted, the rewards far outstrip the pain and struggle to get there with the support of a good quality training partner who will push you past your usual comfort zone.

    And like with all things in life, magic begins outside of your comfort zone.


    It’s important not to be too hard on yourself and listen to your body at all times, as you will encounter days where your body just simply says: NO.

    With this in mind,

    It’s important to reiterate that lifting weights does not make you big and strong; recovering from lifting weights makes you big and strong.


    Make sure you’re getting in enough calories, using Dorian Yates’ rules for protein, carbohydrate and fat consumption to fuel growth, and that you’re getting at least eight hours of interrupted sleep every night for optimal recovery.

    Keeping both of these in check will go a long way in sustaining your motivation and enthusiasm following each workout over the next 6 weeks.

    Over To You

    Thinking of giving Dorian Yates’ Blood and Guts workout a spin?

    Any comments or questions about this routine?

    Let me know in the comments section below!


  • How to Check for Diastasis Recti

    How to Check for Diastasis Recti

    Diastasis recti is a common concern among many women, and if you’re wondering whether you might have it, you’re not alone. In this blog post, I’ll answer questions you might have about diastasis recti. I’ll start by guiding you through a self-check process to identify its presence, and then explore the causes behind it. I’ll help you with effective tips to initiate the healing journey and address common concerns related to diastasis recti.


    How Do I Know If I Have Diastasis Recti?

    The first step in identifying diastasis recti is to be aware of the specific symptoms and signs associated with it. Some common indicators include:

    • A visible bulge or ridge running down the center of your abdomen, especially when you contract your abdominal muscles or perform certain movements.
    • Feeling a gap or space between your abdominal muscles when you press your fingers along the midline of your abdomen, typically between your belly button and sternum.
    • Weakness in your core and experiencing lower back pain or discomfort.
    • Changes in your posture, such as an exaggerated arch in your lower back or a “sway back” appearance.
    • Noticing a coning or doming shape forming along the midline of your abdomen during specific movements, which could indicate increased pressure on the abdominal wall.
    • Experiencing pelvic floor issues, like incontinence or difficulty controlling bladder function.

    It’s important to remember that not everyone will experience all of these symptoms, and the severity of the signs can vary from person to person. I have a full FREE guide you can download all about diastasis recti right HERE.

    To help you check, I have a video that walks you through a self-check for diastasis recti:

    How to Check for Diastasis Recti

    What Causes Diastasis Recti?

    Diastasis recti can be caused by factors such as pregnancy, excessive crunches, inappropriate core exercises, and weak fascial connections throughout your abdominal area.

    picture of diastasis recti
    <![CDATA[diastasis recti]]>

    How Can I Heal Diastasis Recti?

    You might be wondering if it’s possible to heal diastasis recti, and the answer is yes! The most important step is to learn how to properly activate your deep core to strengthen your pelvic floor. If you’re wondering how to do that, or what that even means, my CORE REHAB program walks you through any questions you might have about diastasis recti and gives you the proper exercises and movements to heal. Learn more HERE.

    In the meantime, here are some simple tips to implement to heal diastasis recti:

    Tips to Heal Diastasis Recti

    Properly Activate Your Deep Core: Learn how to activate, relax, and release your deep core muscles. By doing so, you can wake up those fascial connections and initiate the healing process, regardless of how long you’ve been dealing with diastasis recti. Remember, I teach you exactly how to do this in my Core Rehab program!

    Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor: Healing diastasis recti is not just about bringing the abdominal muscles together. A strong pelvic floor is also essential for overall core stability and recovery. Incorporate pelvic floor exercises into your routine for better results.

    Avoid Intense Ab Exercises: Steer clear of improper “ab exercises” that involve flexion movements like sit-ups and crunches. These can exacerbate diastasis recti and delay healing. Focus on exercises that strengthen the core without putting excessive pressure on the abdomen – I have safe exercises for you in my Core Rehab course.

    Improve Your Posture: Work on improving your posture to support the healing process. A proper alignment can alleviate pressure on the abdominal area and aid in diastasis recti recovery.

    Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any discomfort, pain, or signs of coning in your abdominal area during exercises or daily activities. Avoid movements that aggravate the condition and embrace exercises that promote healing.

    Holistic Approach: Understand that diastasis recti impacts more than just your appearance; it can lead to other health issues like back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and hernias. Take a holistic approach to healing, addressing both the physical and mental aspects of recovery.

    By being aware of the specific symptoms and signs of diastasis recti, understanding the causes, and incorporating my healing tips, you can take the first steps toward reclaiming your core strength and body confidence. Remember, healing is possible, and with the right approach, you can improve your overall well-being. This is why I’m so passionate about my Core Rehab program – I want women to feel strong in their bodies and confident in their skin. The Core Rehab program isn’t just another exercise program – it’s a holistic approach to helping you heal physically and mentally.

    image of core rehab program

  • Getting in Shape Before Christmas

    Getting in Shape Before Christmas

    Are you looking to get in shape before Christmas? It’s not too late! Getting in shape doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right exercise routine and healthy diet, you can easily get in shape and look your best for the holidays.

    When it comes to getting in shape, it’s important to understand what that means. Getting in shape is about more than just physical appearance. It’s about feeling strong, energized, and healthy. It’s about having the confidence to know that you look and feel your best. With that in mind, let’s look at some tips for getting in shape before Christmas.

    Exercise Ideas:

    At-Home Workouts

    If you don’t have time to make it to the gym, there are plenty of at-home workouts that can help you get in shape. Bodyweight exercises are a great way to tone and strengthen your body. You can do push-ups, squats, and lunges to target different muscle groups. Yoga is another great way to get in shape. There are many poses that can help you increase flexibility and build strength. If you’re looking for something more aerobic, you can try jumping jacks, burpees, and even running in place.

    Outdoor Activities

    If you’re looking for something more exciting, there are plenty of outdoor activities that can help you get in shape. Running is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories. Hiking is a great way to get out in nature and enjoy the fresh air. If you’re looking for something more competitive, sports like basketball, soccer, and tennis can be a great way to get in shape.

    Diet Tips:

    These tips will help you to get in shape in a way that is healthy and sustainable.

    Eating Healthy

    In order to get in shape, it’s important to make sure you’re eating healthy. Meal prepping is a great way to ensure that you’re eating nutritious, balanced meals throughout the week. It’s also important to avoid processed foods as much as possible. Processed foods are filled with unhealthy ingredients and additives. Eating whole, natural foods is the best way to get the nutrients your body needs. It’s also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

    Indulging in Moderation

    It’s important to remember that the holidays are a time for celebration. You don’t have to completely restrict yourself from enjoying the holidays. However, it’s important to indulge in moderation. Enjoy the treats, but don’t overdo it. Treat yourself to one or two special treats, but make sure to get back on track with your healthy eating habits the next day.


    Getting in shape before Christmas doesn’t have to be a difficult task. With the right exercise routine and healthy diet, you can easily get in shape and look and feel your best for the holidays. At-home workouts and outdoor activities are both great ways to get your body moving. Eating healthy and indulging in moderation are also important for getting in shape. With these tips, you can get in shape and enjoy the holidays!


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  • Your Ultimate TRX Suspension Kit Guide for Travel Fitness

    Your Ultimate TRX Suspension Kit Guide for Travel Fitness

    You have undoubtedly come across TRX if you have researched some basic workout equipment to exercise at home or on the road.

    But what exactly is it, how does it work, and can it be a viable alternative to gym training for muscle gain, fat loss, and overall athleticism?

    Read on because we are breaking it all down for you today.

    What is TRX, and How Does It Work?

    TRX, also known as total resistance exercise, is a suspension kit created by former US Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick.

    He came up with the idea for the TRX while deployed in Asia and stuck doing endless push-ups to stay in shape.

    While there, he created the first iteration of the TRX from parachute webbings and a jiu-jitsu belt. He used it to train his whole body in a more balanced way without needing access to a fully loaded gym.

    Original TRX

    Of course, that version of the TRX is unrecognizable and far from what we know today. But, his initial idea paved the way for arguably the most popular suspension kit beloved by many fitness enthusiasts.

    The way TRX works is straightforward. You anchor the TRX kit (typically overhead; we will talk more about that below) and use your body weight against the force of gravity to train the desired muscles.

    Despite the simplicity, you can pick from dozens of effective exercises and variations that fit your current abilities and push you just beyond the borders of your comfort zone. While seemingly difficult to use, the beauty of TRX is that it is great for trainees of all levels – beginners and advanced alike.

    Can you build Muscle and lose Fat with TRX?

    If you are new to fitness or come from a background in weight training, using a suspension kit might not seem like an effective way to build muscle or lose weight. However, the truth is that TRX is effective for both objectives.

    First, for muscles to grow, they need to be subjected to increasingly more tension, which you can do with TRX. As mentioned, you can adjust the difficulty of exercises to increase the training stress and force your muscles to adapt by getting bigger and stronger.

    Second, fat loss primarily comes down to your diet because the age-old saying, “You cannot out-train a bad diet.” is true. Simply put, it is far easier not to eat 1,000 calories than to burn them through physical activity.

    TRX can be a valuable addition to a fat loss plan because it provides a muscle stimulus, allowing you to retain more lean mass while dieting. As a result, you can lose more fat and achieve a lean and athletic physique.

    5 Impressive Benefits of TRX

    1. Ideal For Full Body Training

    Unlike simple exercises targeting one or two muscles around a single joint, TRX typically engages your entire body.

    Even if you aim to train a specific muscle (e.g., the biceps), multiple others must assist by contracting to keep you in position while doing your reps.

    This means you can more effectively train your whole body without needing to do as many exercises.

    2. It Builds Strength and Improves Balance

    To continue the discussion from the previous point, TRX exercises are generally more challenging and involve the entire body. Even if you primarily target one area, other muscles assist in keeping you stable and in position.

    This means that, while doing a movement to strengthen your upper back (e.g., inverted rows), biceps (e.g., bodyweight curls), chest (e.g., flyes), or quadriceps (e.g., Bulgarian split squats), other muscles also work hard to keep you in position.

    The advantage here is that this builds whole-body strength and improves your balance.

    3. You Can Use it to Train Almost Anywhere

    We are firm believers in simple and practical solutions, especially while traveling. Having access to a full gym, even on the road, is fantastic, but it may not always be possible.

    The great thing about TRX and similar tools is they allow you to have a solid workout almost anywhere. Whether in a hotel room, at home, outside, or in a small and bare hotel gym, you can use the suspension kit to challenge yourself and get closer to your goals.

    A growing number of hotels now incorporate TRX equipment into their gym facilities, reflecting a trend we are excited to see. For travelers interested in maintaining their TRX workout routines while on the road, allows users to easily search for and discover hotels that provide the specific gym facilities they prefer, including those equipped with TRX equipment.

    4. It is Customizable Based on Fitness Levels

    Using a suspension kit to exercise might seem like a bad idea if you are a beginner because some movements can be intimidating. But do you know what?

    An overlooked TRX benefit is that you can adjust the difficulty of most movements to fit your current abilities. We will go over five ways to do that below.

    5. It is Light, Portable, and Affordable

    To top it off, TRX is affordable, which makes it a great fitness solution if you are on a budget.

    Instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on expensive equipment (which you cannot even take on the road), TRX provides everything you need.

    It is also light and compact, which makes it the perfect companion for your travels, along with some other portable fitness equipment.

    How to Use TRX On The Road

    Get the Right App

    The first step is to download a workout app to pair with your TRX kit. One option is the official TRX app, which offers workout plans, live classes, and exercise instructions. This is good if you are relatively new to working out and are unsure how to structure workout plans and what to do.

    Another option is to download Fitbod. This interactive app generates workout plans based on fitness level, goals, and, yes, even available equipment.

    Its exercise library features TRX exercises. So, when you select the TRX kit as part of your equipment during the setup process, it will automatically generate a workout plan with TRX exercises, such as TRX glute bridges and TRX chest flyes.

    However, if you are more experienced and prefer to write workout programs, you can use Hevy. Its exercise library does not have all the TRX movements, but they are enough to get started.

    You can add movements to your routine (and even create custom TRX exercises), log your workouts (exercises, sets, reps, weight lifted, and RPEs), and track your performance over time.

    Start Your Workout

    As noted several times, the beauty of TRX lies in its simplicity and ease of use. Though it may seem complex, you only need a door anchor or strap, which would allow you to use the kit in your hotel room, outside, or at a hotel gym. You get both of these along with your TRX kit.

    First, there is the door anchor, which you secure against the top of a door. Attach your TRX kit for a stable foundation to do your favorite movements.

    a woman doing push ups with a TRX

    You can also use this in a hotel room because the square part that goes behind the door is covered in soft fabric, so it does not scratch or otherwise damage the door.

    Second, you have a TRX strap (also known as a suspension anchor), which you can tie over an object (e.g., a tree trunk, tree branch, or a pull-up bar) and secure in position with the carabiner at the end. Then, simply attach your TRX kit via the carabiner, and you are good to go.

    3 Ways to Adjust the Difficulty of Your TRX Workouts

    1. Adjust Your Body’s Angle

    Let’s say you have set up the TRX kit, but the exercises you want to try feel too challenging (or not difficult enough).

    The first and most practical thing you can do is adjust your body’s angle. Doing so instantly changes the difficulty of movements because it allows you to lift more or less of your total body weight.

    Take the inverted row as an example. The more upright you are, the less of yourself you have to pull, making the exercise more beginner-friendly. In contrast, leaning back and stepping forward makes you more horizontal, forcing you to pull a larger percentage of your body weight.

    TRX works perfectly for this because it comes with adjustable straps, allowing you to lengthen and shorten it to fit your needs.

    2. Vary the Range of Motion

    Another way to change the difficulty of each rep is to increase or decrease the range of motion.

    For example, if you are doing a chest press. The more you lower yourself (causing your arms to bend and your elbow to travel to your sides and behind your torso), the more challenging each rep will be.

    If you lack the strength to perform the movement through such a range of motion, lower yourself to a smaller degree–for example, to the point where your elbows are almost to your sides.

    You can apply this to any other TRX exercises you try, be it a squat, lunge, inverted row, or bicep curl.

    3. Do Circuits

    Circuit training is about doing multiple exercises (typically for different muscles) back-to-back with little to no rest in between. This can be a great way to save time and give your cardiovascular system a good workout.

    You can do only TRX exercises, like so:

    TRX squat ⇒ TRX inverted row ⇒ TRX chest press ⇒ TRX bicep curl ⇒ TRX tricep extension ⇒ Recovery

    Or combine TRX with equipment-free activities, like so:

    Bodyweight squat ⇒ TRX inverted row ⇒ Push-up ⇒ TRX bicep curl ⇒ Chair dips ⇒ Recovery

    Our Verdict on TRX

    A TRX kit is an invaluable addition to your fitness arsenal. Affordable, incredibly versatile, compact, and easy to transport, it ensures your workouts remain consistent, whether at home, outdoors, or on the move.

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    Is TRX suitable for beginners?

    TRX works for beginners because there are plenty of movements suitable for newbies, and certain modifications can make each repetition less challenging.

    Can I take my TRX kit outdoors?

    TRX kits come with a strap (suspension anchor) to tie around objects, such as pull-up bars, trees, and even tree branches, to enjoy refreshing workouts outside.

    Is TRX safe?

    So long as you secure it as outlined in the instructions and do exercises you can handle, TRX is quite safe.

  • Most Powerful Peptides for Longevity REVEALED with Regan Archibald

    Most Powerful Peptides for Longevity REVEALED with Regan Archibald

    Most Powerful Peptides for Longevity REVEALED with Regan Archibald

    A lot of things we have been led to believe are just not correct – especially when it comes to the art of longevity. There is a big difference between standard care and optimal care. Ready to discover the secrets of age optimizing?

    Meet Regan Archibald, my go-to peptide guru, who’s about to challenge everything you thought you knew about getting older. (Spoiler: It’s not what your doctor told you.)

    What if those “normal” cholesterol numbers aren’t telling the whole story? And why are GLPs creating such a buzz in the longevity world?

    We dive deep into game-changing peptides like BPC-157, Sermorelin, and Melanotan. Trust me – these could be the missing pieces in your health puzzle.

    Want to know how Regan went from being misdiagnosed to becoming a leading voice in functional medicine? His story will make you rethink everything about traditional healthcare.

    Ready to unlock the secrets of true longevity? Watch now to discover what the medical establishment isn’t telling you about age optimizing.

    Most Powerful Peptides for Longevity REVEALED with Regan Archibald pin

    How Regan Got Started

    Growing up in a cattle ranch with an Uncle as a doctor, Regan knew early on that he wanted to do anything BUT be a farmer. During his undergraduate, he began battling his own health issues and misdiagnoses. Traditional doctors were telling him his labs looked great, but his symptoms weren’t matching that. It wasn’t until he came across a naturopathic doctor who was also trained in eastern medicine that his underlying autoimmune disease was identified. This is what really catapulted him to explore the origins of western medicine and what it was specifically that made the naturopathic and eastern medicine difference in identifying underlying issues in health…aka…medicine that works. 

    The Truth About Standard Blood Labs 

    Oftentimes, traditional doctors will run your blood labs and test for whether or not you are “in range”. The problem is that these ranges are based on 90% of the population in your area and the ranges are built based on averages of everyone in that area – NOT on what it SHOULD be. 

    If you look at the average testosterone in men 30 years ago, those levels were between 700-900. Now it’s closer to 300. Just because the data has changed, doesn’t mean that the IDEAL level of testosterone for your best health has changed. 

    When you instead focus on OPTIMAL levels (as opposed to just “in range”) you are considering the OPTIMAL level instead of the average based on a general population. 

    Hundreds of people can have the same disease, but everyone will have different symptoms and their labs will look different based on the underlying CAUSE. Functional medicine tells the entire story when traditional medicine does NOT. 

    What About the High Cholesterol Myth? 

    We have intentionally been scammed on cholesterol via the “saturated fat” myth and movement. If you don’t ask the question “why is cholesterol high in the first place?” you are missing the whole message for the body. Cholesterol is the first hormone your liver makes and it can either go down the stress hormone cortisol or it can go down DHEA which is the precursor for your sex hormones. 

    When you just look at cholesterol as a function of cardiovascular disease, you are missing the mark. One of the primary roles of LDL (the “bad” cholesterol”) is to carry nutrients through the blood brain barrier into your brain. Without this, we have a cognitive issue. Many cardiologists are trained that statins are the protective factor when it comes to lowering cholesterol. But this isn’t true! Cholesterol is what protects your cell membrane. The older you get, the more you actually need. 

    There was a study of people who made it past 100 years old and those who didn’t. In those who DID make it past 100, their total cholesterol was higher, in their 230s, the LDLs in the 140s, the HDLs closer to 70, and low triglycerides. There is a new study that shows people with lower cholesterol have a higher rate of all-cause mortality than those with higher cholesterol and are more likely to have a cardiovascular event. 

    The unfortunate part is that traditional doctors tend to just write prescriptions for things like statins at the first sight of “high cholesterol”. This is because depending on the clinical model they are in, they will get reprimanded for going outside of the box or against the grain, and if they do this long enough, they will be replaced. 

    What About Blood Sugar Lab Values? 

    The typical pre-diabetes blood sugar hemoglobin A1C value is 5.7 and around 6.5 you are type II diabetes. The truth is, anything above about 5.5 is insulin resistance and by 5.7 it is too late. A study published about a year ago shows that you will live 4.5 years shorter life span JUST by having your A1C at 5.7 and for every decimal you have higher, you take off additional years from your life.  

    One of the common “solutions” in traditional medicine is to take Metformin. Metformin is a medication that cleans up some mitochondria and helps to regulate some of the insulin resistance to increase receptivity. But unfortunately, it can also be pretty toxic pretty quickly – causing nausea and other stomach issues and side effects. It’s better than NOT treating it, but it’s best to NOT have to need it. 

    There are better solutions available. When you’re just below the cusp (sitting near a 5.5/5.6 or creeping your way up), you can make serious (but simple) changes to turn it around. The easiest way to turn your A1C around is to eat low glycemic to prevent blood sugar spikes. 

    You can also consider the use of peptides. 

    GLP 1 Peptides for Blood Sugar and Optimal Health 

    Peptides are little protein shapes that are shaped in the perfect way to turn on specific genes in your body. When these genes are turned on, you can see really great results. Peptides are great for nearly anyone who lacks will-power or needs additional support on a recovery journey. When done properly, peptides being life-changing is an understatement, 

    In recent spotlight is Ozempic and Semaglutide (along with other GLP-1 agonists). When these were first approved, it was approved to treat type II diabetes, but later crossed over “by accident” to treat obesity “off-label”. One of the things that these medications do is more accurately signal to your body is to know and realize when you are FULL. Overeating is majorly to blame for a lot of our blood sugar issues. With metabolic overload that comes from overeating, the more we dysregulate our hunger signals. 

    The traditional dosing of Ozempic (for example) is pretty high – we are talking about 10x higher than what you likely want to be using. That is A LOT! Starting with such a high dose up front makes your body dependent on the drug to complete its natural pancreatic responses. It’s also really important that you are consuming enough protein before starting. 

    These are just a few reasons why it’s SUPER important to work with a team of professionals who fully understands correct doses AND that you shouldn’t take the GLP1 peptides alone. 

    BPC 157 (Body Protective Complex) is a peptide that is coming into light more recently. The oral version is great if it is in the originate form because it mimics what your body already produces. It helps tighten the junctions in your gut and can help mitigate heart burn and acid reflux. When it comes to injections, there are different variants of it so it’s important to get the right version. When taking the right version, it really helps to promote healthy connective tissue. When I started taking BPC 157 my knee issues literally disappeared. 

    Sermorelin is another growth hormone peptide. When I personally started taking Sermorelin I had to STOP because it made me so flippin hungry LOL. But really, Sermorelin is great when used WITH Ipamorelin to improve energy, rebuild muscle mass, reduce body fat, and more. 

    As with almost all peptides, it’s really important to know how to cycle through them in the safest way possible. A professional will know how best to do this. 

    What Can We Best Change in Our Food Supply for Better Health? 

    A lot of the chemicals in our food are “FDA approved” when they shouldn’t be. Our food these days in the United States is chocked full of toxins and things wreaking havoc on our systems. The most beneficial changes to food supply you can make for your health are to: 

    • Cut out artificial dyes 
    • Cut out artificial sweeteners 
    • Cut out processed foods 
    • Eat real, whole, natural, unprocessed foods 
    • Choose organic when possible because glyphosate is a silent killer 

    This and SO MUCH more on this episode! 

    🎙️ Want to listen in on a LIVE recording of Midlife Conversations? You can listen in, hear the episode unedited prior to launch AND stay on and ask your questions to the guest! (Don’t worry! We won’t air your questions so you can stay anonymous!) Go to to learn more

  • Top 5 Push Up Variations – Dr. John Rusin

    Top 5 Push Up Variations – Dr. John Rusin

    Go to Top

  • Why You Shouldn’t Skip The Last 5 Minutes of Class

    Why You Shouldn’t Skip The Last 5 Minutes of Class

    If you’ve been in a Group X or Team Training class, you might feel tempted to skip the last couple of minutes of cooling down because you’ve got your hard work in and you feel like going home. Tempting, sure, but this isn’t recommended and you could be missing out on some vital benefits. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t skip the last 5 minutes of class.

    View Our GroupX Classes

    Importance of a Cool Down Period

    Just as warming up helps your body prepare for a workout, cooling down will help it recover. A cool-down period is your body’s chance to gradually recover from a highly-elevated heart rate. For example, say you’re coming to the end of a thirty-minute run on a treadmill. Instead of just hopping off and hitting the shower, you should take five minutes to just walk at a slow pace on the treadmill before turning it off. This will allow your blood vessels to ease back to their pre-exercise state. Think of your entire workout like a bell curve. Start with a low-intensity warm-up, then your elevated exercises, followed by another period of low intensity. This just helps to condition your body and may go a long way towards maximizing your workout. It’s important to remember that cooling down and warming up aren’t meant to prevent injuries or soreness, More research is still needed on that efficacy.

    So there you have it. Cooling down just helps your body naturally return to its resting state and return its blood pressure and heart rate to normal more gradually. This is especially helpful for endurance competitions because this process can help regulate blood circulation.

    Learn About Team Training

  • How To Set Nutrient Timing And Its Benefits
– Born Tough

    How To Set Nutrient Timing And Its Benefits – Born Tough

    The four pillars of balanced living are good nutrition, relaxation, exercise, and sleep. But what about nutrient timing? When talking about this term, it is referred to as taking nutrients at specific times in your daily routine to boost the body’s performance.

    Is it true that nutrient intake timing can affect how the body uses those nutrients? Let’s find out how to change your health and fitness routine by setting nutrient timing.

    1. What is Nutrient Timing?

    Using nutrients with proper timing can help your body to consume carbohydrates. It is the cycle used to know what and when to eat. Using nutrients before exercise can help to fuel the body and improve its performance. While having proteins after a workout can aid in muscle recovery.

    Nutrient timing can also be used to manage hunger and cravings. This will support weight loss and muscle gain. It was formed to assist in health and fitness while doing exercise.

    2. How To Set Nutrient Timing?

    It is vital to know how and when to use nutrients. There are proper timing sets to take nutrients to help achieve the results you are looking for. Nutrient timing is essential because it ensures the body receives the proper nutrients at the right time. It boosts the body’s ability to use nutrients for different fitness and health purposes.

    Your body is expected to use the nutrients more efficiently when they are taken at the right time. Proper nutrient timing can also prevent nutrient deficiencies and optimize performance. But you should distinguish between nutrient timing and meal frequency. To find out the differences between both, keep on reading.

    3. Difference Between Nutrient Timing And Meal Frequency

    3.1. Meal Frequency

    Meal frequency is the number of meals eaten at the right time throughout the day. It focuses on the timing of your meals. No doubt, meal frequency is different from nutrient timings. Often three meals are taken daily with two to three snacks in between.

    It also includes keeping your body hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Regular, healthy meals boost your body with a steady energy source and nutrients. Using meal frequency, you can also control your craving and hunger.

    3.2. Nutrient Timing

    Nutrient timing is based on the timing of macronutrient consumption. Timing is set immediately before and after exercise when your body is in a heightened state of nutrient absorption.

    Setting nutrient timing is having certain macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats at specific times throughout the day.

    It helps your body to consume the right amount of nutrients it needs. During exercise, food intake can increase the performance and endurance of an athlete.

    Carbohydrates and protein taken right after exercise can repair muscle and replenish energy stores. Do you know that there are three phases of nutrient timing? If not, then come along and find out in detail about the three phases of nutrient timing.

    4. Three Phases of Nutrient Timing

    There are three stages of nutrient timing: the first is Pre-Workout, the second is during a workout, and the last one is after or after a workout. Let’s discuss them in detail.

    4.1. Pre Workout

    Pre-Workout is all about having proper foods and nutrients before a workout to fuel your body during exercise to optimize recovery. An adequate amount of nutrients keep you charged throughout your daily activities.

    4.2. During Workout

    Consuming the proper nutrients, like a protein shake during a workout, can fuel the body with carbohydrates, electrolytes, and amino acids. It may support better and sustained energy levels during exercise.

    4.3. Post Workout

    Eating appropriate foods and nutrients after a workout restores energy, rebuild your muscle, and aids in recovery. It is crucial to have the correct amount of nutrients at the right time.

    5. Benefits of Having Nutrients on Set Time

    Benefits of Having Nutrients on Set Time

    It is a common fact that most people use these nutrients for health and fitness, to cut/gain weight, build muscles, especially in sports for athletes. Nutrients will only benefit your body when it is taken in the right way. It’s about having the right amount of food and proteins.

    There are enormous benefits of nutrient consumption in accurate time. Nutrients help you live healthier and longer. The right amount and time keep your skin and eyesight healthy for a long time. It supports your muscles to break down or build up and boosts your immune system.

    Let’s dig down to discover the details of these advantages.

    5.1. Best for Athletes

    Nutrients provide energy and repair the muscles of athletes. It maintains a healthier immune system. Intake of 30-60g of carbohydrates with 5-10g of protein at least an hour before a workout improves the timing of your exercise and amino acid availability. Nutrients build new muscle tissue and improve your health status and stamina.

    5.2. Provide Health Recovery

    Nutrient-supporting foods like fruits, veggies, and lean meats can support recovery. This can aid in maintaining weight and boost muscle growth. It will strengthen bones, lower the risk of heart disease and other critical health issues.

    Nutrients on set time are beneficial for your body to function correctly. By absorbing energy, muscle repair and build tissues. It also regulates your whole body function after a tiring workout.

    5.3. Improve Immune System Working

    When it comes to your body’s immune system, nutrients are highly beneficial. They help you to defend against heart problems, cancer, and diabetes. It strengthens your immune system to fight certain infections by boosting extra help in injury recovery.

    Surprisingly, it improves your mood. Moreover, eating a balanced diet with the required nutrition at an accurate time can reduce depression.

    5.4. Guarantee Better Time Setting

    For good health and fitness, nutrients are consumed accurately at times, especially when using nutrients for fat loss, muscle growth, sports, or retrieving from health problems.

    These nutrients are driven mainly by food and are highly important for your body when used at the correct times. Consuming them on time will guarantee better time settings to absorb nutrients for enjoying desired well-being.

    6. What Are The Types Of Nutrients?

    Many nutrients exist, but you can have the top 5 in this section. All these types are mainly used to maintain a healthy body in different ways.

    6.1. MacroNutrient

    Macronutrients such as fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are taken in large amounts. It helps your body to function correctly/It’s used in muscle growth with proper intake. A few examples of macronutrients are cereal, meat, fish, yams, legumes, nuts, seeds, and oil.

    6.2. Micronutrients

    Micronutrients are good for preventing diseases and making your body happy and healthy. These nutrients are consumed in small amounts, such as vitamins and minerals. Green leafy vegetables, fruit, eggs, and fermented food are also included in this type of nutrients.

    6.3. Phytonutrients

    These plant-based compounds provide health benefits like antioxidants or polyphenols, which lessen the risk of heart problems and cancer. It also improves your vision and prevents cell damage.

    Phytonutrients are found in plants, fruits, and barriers, the color spectrum of veggies, tea, and nuts. They are also available as pills or supplements like carotenoids, ellagic acid, resveratrol, flavonoids, phytoestrogen, and glucosinolate.

    6.4. Fiber

    Fiber nutrients are used for solid digestion and regularity. There are two types: one is insoluble fiber, and the other is soluble fiber.

    Insoluble  – Help to prevent constipation and is suitable for colon health.

    Soluble – keeps you fuller, controls blood sugar levels, slows cholesterol absorption, and normalizes blood pressure.

    7. Benefits of Nutrients While Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting is a process used to cut down weight. Adding micro/macronutrients during intermittent fasting can help you lose weight faster. Using high-fiber foods will keep you going throughout your goal/ However, drink lots of water during intermittent fasting to keep your body hydrated.

    Having the right blend of nutrients can reduce weight and fit your body structure. Eating foods and calorie-containing nutrients with a time gap of weight hours has helped many chubby people shape their bodies. This 16/8 time limit process depends on your health.

    8. Frequently Asked Questions

    8.1. Can I Do Intermittent Fasting And Still Bulk My Muscles?

    Of course, you can do intermittent fasting and still bulk your muscles. It is a great way to lose overall calorie intake while having the proper nutrients to support muscle growth. You should eat nutrient-dense foods high in protein and healthy fats. This way, you’ll get the most out of your workouts to build muscles.

    8.2. What Happens If You Skip a Post-Workout Meal?

    Skipping a post-workout meal or consuming improper nutrients will distract the rebuilding of muscles. Skipping a post-workout meal can harm energy stores and damage muscle tissue. This can lead to low performance and diminish your muscle growth.

    8.3. Does Meal Timing Matter Much for Health And Fitness?

    Meal timing matters a lot for health and fitness. Eating regularly throughout the day can regulate blood sugar levels and boost metabolism. It will provide the body with the energy it needs to stay active and healthy for the whole day.

    8.4. Should I Lift Weights Immediately After Eating To Gain Muscle?

    No, not. You should not lift weights immediately after eating because eating before lifting weights can cause discomfort. It also affects your exercise performance. You should wait an hour after eating before lifting weights to allow for proper digestion and prevent side effects.

    9. Last To Say

    Nutrient intake timing is an essential factor in optimizing health and performance. Putting nutrients in the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is necessary. Consuming carbohydrates and proteins before and after exercise can help extend performance and recovery.

    Taking nutrients on set time benefits your complete body and overall well-being. It is the best way to achieve your goals. Nutrients are always handled in a balanced diet. For better understanding, consult your nutrition or dietitian for the right set window for your nutritional intake.

  • The Fundamentals of Strength Training

    The Fundamentals of Strength Training

    The satisfaction of hitting the gym is more than achieving your dream body. Strength training, specifically, tests your mental capability, and completing a set or a workout session brings a sense of satisfaction. Explore these dos and don’ts of strength training to gain more than the physical and mental benefits of working out.

    Dos of Strength Training

    When done correctly, incorporating weights in a workout routine is the most sustainable way of improving bone density, building muscle strength, and toning your body. Therefore, if these are the core reasons for hitting the gym, these are the fundamental tips you ought to consider during your training sessions for maximum results:


    If you are a newbie in the gym and do not know much about the technicalities of working out, you need to be open to learning about the techniques involved when working out with weights and their effectiveness. Do so by involving your trainer or watching how other people incorporate them. However, you should be careful to start with less weight and gradually increase it. Doing so allows your body to acclimatize to the different levels of strength. You will slowly be unlocking.

    Remember to trade carefully when exploring weight-lifting techniques. A slight mistake can result in a minor accident or, in extreme cases, a broken bone. Furthermore, communicate this with your trainer in case of any weird and uncomfortable pain.

    If you have been incorporating weighs in your training sessions, consider involving your trainer during regular sessions to confirm whether your technique is as required. Alternatively, ask the essayusa writing service providers for tips on the best weight-lifting techniques.

    The Amount of Weight

    While you might feel ambitious about increasing the weight you can lift while training, you ought to be careful. Start with a slightly lower amount and increase it gradually.

    Your Form

    To avoid injuries related to incorporating weights into your workout sessions, ensure you are in the correct form. It is paramount to note that the correct form will likely bring about better results. Moreover, being in the correct form is less likely to plunge you into injuries and accidents.

    If you need more clarification about your form, consider decreasing the amount of weight. Alternatively, reduce the number of repetitions to minimize the level of damage should you hurt yourself in the process. Remember, form applies to how you lift the weight and how you replace and pick up the weight racks. Better yet, if you are unsure about your form or whether your style of doing a specific exercise is right, consider engaging the trainers or fitness instructors in the gym.


    How you breathe in and out is also an important factor when incorporating weights in your sessions. Your breath work determines how effectively and comfortably you lift the weight, ultimately affecting your strength. It also makes building resilience easier and ensures proper circulation of air throughout the body during the workout session.


    Unlike most workouts, strength training should engage all the main muscles. It is also paramount to engage the muscles, especially if your goal is a perfectly toned body.

    Make It a Routine

    The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends including weights in workout sessions, especially if you wish to increase your body’s strength. For maximum results, the report also recommends engaging the body’s core muscles when doing so.


    The joy of gradually gaining muscle strength might tempt you to want to achieve more; hence, spend more time at the gym. There might be better ideas than this, especially since muscles require time to rest and rejuvenate. However, if you want to lift weights daily, consider working out specific muscle groups on alternating days. Doing so allows them time to rejuvenate.

    Don’ts of Weight Training

    As established, any slight mistake while lifting weights during a workout session risks plunging you into injuries. Therefore, these are the other mistakes you ought to avoid while engaging in the exercise:

    Do Not Skip Warm-Up Exercises

    Your trainer might have asked you to engage in a few warm-up exercises, like jumping jerks and burpees, which most people dislike while training. However, these exercises play a significant role in determining the effectiveness of weight lifting. Therefore, do not skip the 10 to 15 warm-up exercises before engaging the weights, the same way you should not skip giving your essayusa review after your order has been processed successfully.


    Watching people with high strengths can easily lure you into believing that lifting weights is a walk in the park. However, the technique you employ in doing it determines the effectiveness of the exercise. For instance, take your time to move the weight unhurriedly. Ensure that the weight racks are perfectly balanced and controlled before lifting them.

    Taking your time helps establish the specific muscles you want the workout sessions to focus on. You are also encouraged to rest for at least one minute between sets.

    Do Not Overdo It

    For beginners, completing one set of exercises leaves them exhausted. This should not be mistaken for the muscles not being worked out enough. One set is enough to get muscles correctly worked out, and doing more than your body can comfortably handle is more likely to plunge you into an injury.

    The number of sets you opt for might differ depending on the results you want to achieve and how strong you want to feel. However, ensure that you do not do more than your body can withstand.

    Do Not Ignore Pain

    Even though strength training exercises help build your tenacity, it is essential to note that they should not be painful, especially if you warm up before the exercises. If you feel uncomfortable pain, alert the trainer or stop immediately.

    Wrapping It Up

    These dos and don’ts of strength training guarantee the best results in building resistance and strength. Remember, gaining muscle strength is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. Nevertheless, the right tips are likely to make the process easier, giving you the confidence to grow stronger.

  • 6 steps to creating your ideal summer workout routine

    6 steps to creating your ideal summer workout routine

    Exercise during a heatwave isn’t much fun. Training and Nutrition Specialist David Wiener reveals 6 key steps to creating an ideal summer workout routine to ensure you stay on track of your goals

    As the weather gets warmer, it can be hard to stick to an exercise regime. Sometimes the last thing you want to do in the hot weather is exercise.

    But exercising over the summer months doesn’t have to be a chore.

    the last thing you want to do in the hot weather is exercise

    Creating an exercise regime which works for you over the summer months is key to success, helping you commit to your training and hit your goals, whatever they may be.

    An exercise schedule which is unique to you is especially important, making sure it fits into your life. Here are 6 simple steps that can help you create an ideal workout routine during the summer:

    #1 Break your workout into smaller chunks

    Doing an hour-long workout (or more) can get seriously tiring, both mentally and physically. So, if you’re finding it hard to complete an hour-long sweat session, try breaking it down into 15-minute chunks.

    Micro HIIT or mini bursts of intensive exercise can be beneficial for a large number of people, especially for those who do not have a lot of time to spend exercising.

    try breaking it down into 15-minute chunks

    One of the beauties of Micro HIIT is that you can switch up your training methods by partaking in shorter burst of exercise which can be done throughout the day i.e. first thing in the morning, on your lunch break, or even when you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, or lunch/dinner to cook.

    READ MORE: Pregnancy exercise – women’s fitness specialist Rosie Stockley reveals what you should and shouldn’t do

     6-steps-to-create-your-ideal-summer-workout-routine-woman-exercising-outside-.jpg 6-steps-to-create-your-ideal-summer-workout-routine-woman-exercising-outside-.jpg

    #2 Don’t compare yourself to anyone else

    It is easy to watch someone else do the exact same exercises as you and compare yourself to them. Even if someone can do more reps than you, use a higher weight, or just make it look so much easier, don’t be discouraged.

    At some point everyone has to start from the beginning, just make sure you’re focused on your own personal fitness goal and that you aren’t getting too ahead of yourself.

    take your bigger goal and split it down into smaller, mini goals

    #3 Set goals and allow yourself rewards

    Setting goals is a great way to ensure you stay motivated and on track. For maximum success, take your bigger goal and split it down into smaller, mini goals so that you can celebrate your successes often.

    Allowing yourself small rewards for completing tougher workouts or sticking to your goals is also a good way to motivate yourself to work out and be consistent.

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    #4 Keep it varied

    One of the easiest ways to lose motivation is by letting your workouts become boring or monotonous.

    Investing in a cost effective fitness app like Freeletics will ensure your workout schedule includes variety, keeping your body guessing for optimum results.

    committing to working out at the times you have planned

    Freeletics has also recently introduced a mindset programme which aims to help users create lasting and positive habits in all areas of their lifestyles, aiding your motivation, sleep and ability to deal with stress.

    #5 Make a schedule and stick to it

    Making a fitness plan at the beginning of each week and committing to working out at the times you have planned can help you to feel motivated and ensure you work out regularly.

    If you do have to miss a workout for some reason, don’t feel disheartened. Just make a real effort to get back on track and stick to the plan you have set out for yourself.

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    #6 Allow time to recover

    Often really overlooked, recovery is key in any workout routine. You don’t have to or should not be working out every day, this will lead to burn out and in some more serious cases, injury.

    I would recommended having at least two rests days in a week

    Going into any new workout routine too intensely can make you give up much faster. Allowing yourself time to rest and recover will truly be the difference in sticking to an exercise regime or not.

    As a rule of thumb, I would recommended having at least two rests days in a week. This gives your muscles time to repair themselves, not only resulting in you being ready for your next workout, but also resulting in stronger muscles in the long run.

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